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ILoveCrustlethis is a fun game
izzythetransgirli literally only just found out about this game on youtube XD
ILoveCrustleThe only pokemon in Box 29 is the shiny Crustle whatamidoing12 gave ,e
Cjblaze11rate ny early game team
whatamidoing12maybe altaria?
izzythetransgirlso basically box 29 for useless pokemon? fair
ILoveCrustleIn Box 29 are stored Shinies that don't grant me points on the leaderboard
izzythetransgirlthats a bit ominous XD
whatamidoing12need three more for a good team
ILoveCrustleBox 29... we don't talk about box 29
ILoveCrustlei sort it like that: Boxes 1-9 are for each gen of Pokemon respectively, Box 10 is for Fakemon, Box 30 is for shinies
izzythetransgirlsure idk stuff about this game XD
ILoveCrustledo you wanna know how i sort my global PC?
lemonitenitehola Izzy
ILoveCrustleclick on your name
ILoveCrustleon the website
izzythetransgirlhow do you get to profile... im new so idk
Cjblaze11i love abusing the local wild live witha skur-rel
lemonitenitebesides that
Sky_BerlitzI'm gonna screenshot my game incase I lose some stuf
lemoniteniteis there any shiny hunt strategy for harshlome
whatamidoing12thats funny
whatamidoing12whatd you name it
lemonitenitename skunfume sunny :>
Sky_BerlitzBut no harm in making sure you're ready for a future update right
ILoveCrustleguess what i named the crustle whatamidoing gave me
Sky_BerlitzI know Gardenia is going to be a bit of a wash
Sky_BerlitzI'm prepping in sinnoh
whatamidoing12psycho cut too
Icymossgen 3 vibes, run alakazam with the punch moves
Cjblaze11what should i nickname my skunfume
whatamidoing12physical alakazam goes hard tho
Sky_BerlitzAnd then a machop I caught for dex purposes is Modest
whatamidoing12run physical alakazam
Sky_BerlitzI just realized my abra is the worst possible nature DX
ILoveCrustlereally saved me a lot of time
ILoveCrustlealr i'm ready now
ILoveCrustlegive me a moment
ILoveCrustlei don't have any pokemon i can trade with rn
whatamidoing12accept that
ILoveCrustleyour profile
izzythetransgirlanyone know how you view achievements?
ILoveCrustleall for two mid pokemon that don't deserve to be so hard to obtain
ILoveCrustlemeaning you don't even have reliable access for great balls, let alone ultra balls
whatamidoing12all that for two pokemon that kinds suck
ILoveCrustleand in original black/white, they're found before the second mudkiping badge
ILoveCrustletheir catch rate is a measly 45, the same as for pseudos
ILoveCrustlesawk and throh are probably the most cruel pokemon gameplay-wise
whatamidoing12mmmyes pet froge
whatamidoing12that's that and this is this
ILoveCrustledid you mean how cleffaing funny the censor is?
Silkeregnping him on discord
Silkeregnskur went to nap
Cjblaze11also i love how rayquazaing funny the swear sensor is
ILoveCrustlemy condolences to you, Vegeta
MajiNVegetaburmy i Lost m'y shiny rat
Cjblaze11you sawk
ILoveCrustlespit on that throh
Silkeregnsawk tuah
whatamidoing12sawk on deez nuts
ILoveCrustleoh boy, i wonder how long will it take me to get a sawk
ILoveCrustlei'll just toss him in a box to rot till the end of time
ILoveCrustleyou can still give it to me
whatamidoing12well i dont really need it
ILoveCrustleyou know, i kinda wanna get one by my own means
ILoveCrustlewait fr?
ILoveCrustleis it a sawk
whatamidoing12shiny crustle
ILoveCrustlewhat is it