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Jext ★, tetrislicious, Ryo1shinogi0yari, Wuhxsu, Ihazkirbro, DravynLeCrux, Torpheus, Ayrael, Lanna, YatoGodzs, atlasrune, RydenTan, Rimimi, MxDemeanor, Lowgin, Kaioh, RandomLuka, afkei, SenorDougie, Eidothea, DDrayden, Pebbleangel, ShionF, Ninshlas, starrisoulfoxo, Lianne1123, hecamlibel, Plate0plomo, dakr, IC3, lemonitenite, Papi, Artsonist, kingsolo13
MxDemeanori have a stratedgy
MxDemeanorshush dark
MxDemeanorI was gonna get shiny zorua to give to Suki so they can stop shunting but mudkip that I want shiny victini
darkeryetdarkeryour doing drifts mid air just to fall right in to death
WakoDoodletrail 4 is confusing me XD
darkeryetdarkermx wtf are you doing near a part im?
MxDemeanorOh my goood
LightDiabloshiny victini my fav
LightDiabloor actually
LightDiabloimma get shiny yveltal
MxDemeanormaybe jext turns into a genie
RYNXzenowhere is the first zone pls
MxDemeanoror a shiny of our choice
MxDemeanormaybe its a rainbow mewtwo
LightDiablothat's the one piece
MxDemeanoror friends
MxDemeanori think
LightDiablolike the golden form of missing no?
darkeryetdarkeryou know maybe the reward is the friends we made along the way :3
MxDemeanorroute 0
ProfessorPreward for what?
ProfessorPwhats kicking?
MxDemeanoror maybe not
MxDemeanorgold missingno i think
LightDiablowhat is reward?
LightDiablohey wako
LightDiablohey Prof
ProfessorPhey light d
WakoDoodlehey diablo :D
MxDemeanorthat i *know* is a decoy
LightDiabloseen u in discord
MxDemeanorI'm up the one left of the pokeball
LightDiablohey wako
MxDemeanorwhat the steps
MxDemeanorshaking you
MxDemeanorhave you completed this before
MxDemeanorwho's that up there
MxDemeanortf you doing dark
MxDemeanorYOU DID IT!
MxDemeanorWhen you get over here, we can all plot out the invisible maze together
MxDemeanoryou guys can do it!
ItsCarrotfking hell T0T
darkeryetdarkerim about to stab mysel-
MxDemeanorjust gotta treat the arrows like the black spaces
MxDemeanoreasy as
MxDemeanorNo i did
LightDiablodoes she?
LightDiabloand Mx fails
MxDemeanorgive me a sec
MxDemeanorHold on, i'll show you
MxDemeanoryou make short tiny jumps
DroncarOnly saw lickitung once
ItsCarrothow do i avoid the arrows
LightDiablois lickitung rare in rolling river safari?
MxDemeanorits also how I 300% cuphead
MxDemeanorfunnily enough, thats how a beat cuphead
LightDiabloas expected of the dark gym leader
MxDemeanorI was brute forcing my way through, not using my skills
MxDemeanoralthough to be fair
MxDemeanoroh right the mew maze
LightDiabloI got trained by the mew maze lmao
darkeryetdarkereh i think around 2 hours?
MxDemeanorbecause it took me six months
MxDemeanorhow long did it take?
MxDemeanordid you do the path of pain
darkeryetdarkernah i had a way easier time there
MxDemeanorThis is way easier than HK
MxDemeanorcan we do that in kanto?
darkeryetdarkertbh this is already giving me hollow knight ptsd
MxDemeanorI can step on it
MxDemeanoroh wait a minute
MxDemeanorso I'm going to leave it for now
MxDemeanora decoy
MxDemeanormight be
MxDemeanorthis pokeball