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MajiNxxYes i am
DrakenSilverWas someone looking for Cutiefly earlier?
GraalOtonamiAs long as you get Global PC, you can bring any anywhere
darkeryetdarkeryea the valentines one
MajiNxxÉvent one?
Mark0219wink wink
Mark0219this really is better than that other popular game
darkeryetdarkerexcept neo sinnoh CV and retro hoenn
Mark0219can you bring fakemons to other regions?
darkeryetdarkeryes but the event one only
MajiNxxDarker that fairy bug that u have IS it in the safari?
Mark0219maybe, or like phenomenons in games like in b/w
darkeryetdarkerit would be easier if their were like "portals" almost everywhere so you can switch
Mark0219it would make for a unique story
GraalOtonamiIt's doable, but it'd likely be quite hard to implement on a large scale
darkeryetdarkertbh that reminds me of a puzzle game i saw ones
Mark0219and it can be used for puzzles too like bypassing obstacles through time travel
Mark0219no like theres actual timelines that you can enter freely
GraalOtonamiPokemon Reunion style?
Mark0219it would be so funny if there was a region here where you can time travel through periods of that region lol
GraalOtonamiOh hey, found it: window.navigator.vibrate(200); gives a vibration when implemented in JS
GraalOtonamiMe either, but a man can wish
αJext ★that i can control
αJext ★don't know if that's a thing