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ViralMagnumTyphloif it's applied my raw guess would be it keeps the same evolution all the time from the rerolls when generated from wild.
ViralMagnumTyphlogood luck proffesor!
ViralMagnumTyphlowell i don't know
ProfessorPwell, lets go 50/50 till proven otherwise
ViralMagnumTyphloin pokemon core games, I THINK? like, each personality value it's fixed for EACH individual pokemon, not the same race
MajiNxxBut i think its set
MajiNxxStill dont know
ProfessorPis persona value fixed?
ViralMagnumTyphlolike if ther'es a chance to get the other form of it's fixed
ViralMagnumTyphloProffesorP it's asking if frodent rerolls it's evolution based in the Personality values which i'm not aware if they're working or applied ingame
ProfessorPor does it keep trying to EVO the same?
MajiNxxAh i dont know that
ProfessorPdoes it reroll the RNG
ProfessorPthen i lvl it up again
ProfessorPand i negate its evo
MajiNxxCause thé final Evo IS set with items
ProfessorPif it tryes to evo in a form
MajiNxxSecond stage
ProfessorPor if i deny it from evo i can "reroll" it
ProfessorPdoes frodent's random evo is set?
ProfessorP3rd is the charm
ProfessorPmissclicked a atk -.-
ProfessorPsecond try
ProfessorPhey nomster
ProfessorPyou know, like a coward
ProfessorPafter reloading to doge loss
ProfessorPim back
Nomster4LifeHi everyone 🥳
ProfessorPi suppose i need some lvling up
ProfessorPi tought i could walk over lund while training some mons along the way
MajiNxxAh ok
ProfessorPmy penguin and horse
MajiNxxU GOT New ones
ProfessorPmy mons are undertrained
Icymossyea its a coin toss but you will get one
warrior7871just got yolken with cute charm :'(
Icymosswell you can hatch Yolken or Egcite that have the ability
warrior7871gotta get lucky then
MajiNxxU just hatch u dont catch
IcymossYea its just flame body
ProfessorPFirey Spirit does what now?
warrior7871how you cant even catch pokemon
IcymossWord of advice that will save you time, the ability Fiary Spirit hatches eggs faster so find a mon with it
MajiNxxOh ty
ProfessorPfancy meeting ya here
ProfessorPhey maji
IcymossWarrior is this your first time at easter?
ProfessorPthats almost oddly specific
ProfessorPhow much money does Lund drop?
ProfessorPok, lets-a smuggle my team to Harsh
MajiNxxU should
ProfessorPi think i will have to farm Lund for money for mints
BladeVapwell heck, you're telling me that when Capsudier evos it keeps Pickup?
MajiNxxIt obvious its sarcasme
BladeVapI'm dropping the topic
MajiNxxWhats going on
MajiNxxIf u think that i will bully someone to beat him AT a PvP match
BladeVapI think I'm in agreement with Graal
GraalOtonamiChildren, this argument is asinine an bred from seperate paradigms. agree to disagree
BladeVapI don't know what the hostility is for, but i'm just trying to tell you that's likely why you haven't gotten any PVP bites
BladeVapsecond, some of us cannot detect sarcasm, it's difficult to do so on the internet
BladeVapwell, first off, your N in your username is capitalized, so it's next-to-impossible to tell that it's Majin and not Maji
MajiNxxU know what ure thé first one to tell me thesse
MajiNxxNot all people here are 12 yo
MajiNxxNo offens
MajiNxxSecond people will understand that its only joking
MajiNxxFirst its Majin
BladeVapIt's not drama, Maji, it's the truth
GraalOtonamiPVP isn't exactly stabe though
MajiNxxDid u finished with Your drama
GraalOtonamiHard disagree
BladeVapThen again, PVP isn't exactly thriving here
BladeVapnobody truly LIKES a hippowdony individual
BladeVapIf you're rude to your opponents before battling them, no one will bother battling you in the first place
MajiNxxAway from me?
BladeVapWhat is so hard to understand about this?
BladeVapfor me it tends to drive people away
BladeVapNot...not really