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Jext ★, DravynLeCrux, pokemaster666, SleebyEepy, tetrislicious, BannanaRaccoon, Thebadpro, Hilltop_Zephyr, PrimeHorineth, TRM101, jweinberg1628, BookBlaze, IamAntandra, Teaowl, SickOfChasing, CometTheIncandescent, Sadet, Lowgin, Icymoss, Paperboy012305, krimsonskyy, Allyman, Zeeiit, starrisoulfoxo, PG55, The_Litest_Wick, HelixJr, PlushiePop, KrisTrocity, afkei, Torpheus, Zaxarone, Diegnator, Ryo1shinogi0yari, rextor, MewHQ, Lepper, Bem, Colosoal, Happy_Mack, GeneralStryker, AWFoxy, peachiemoe, Ihazkirbro, Sky_Berlitz, Spocklate, SponsoredPost, Emilycubed, Allison_Octavio, Aminy, Mathborg, joonipea, Nopesicle, atlasrune, MZenos, CauseGreySaidSo, JadeAmulet, ProfessorP, cakemaster839
warrior7871i can only drag it down though wont go larger just longer
Hilltop_ZephyrCan I get help with the borovia door puzzle
ProfessorPgoodnight you guys
ViralMagnumTyphloaffects = Chat
ViralMagnumTyphlomy bad! left click on the edges, holding to change size
EonArisenmuch better
warrior7871that only drags the widget
ViralMagnumTyphloto increase the size of the game screen, press - or +
ViralMagnumTyphloholding right click
ViralMagnumTyphlolike you do the sizes of your programs in windows
ViralMagnumTyphloon the edges drag them with the right click
warrior7871i can only make the game window larger
warrior7871how do i resize the widgets
Nomster4LifeIt’s 22:16 here
EonArisen...wait i know what i should nickname primarina
warrior7871can i turn off hatching animation
ProfessorPis like 23:15 here
ProfessorPoh sheep
ProfessorPthats why im building my mons like that
ProfessorPim planning on PVPing
Nomster4LifeA ace is good
MajiNxxHigh attack
EonArisenremember the ai isn't the best, you might not even need great moves
LightDiablowait so what pokemon are u using?
MajiNxxWhat pokemon?
ProfessorPso i suppose A ace is better on this case
Nomster4LifeU-turn is hosted
ProfessorPoh right, bugs also super on darks
turnipradish(Cloyster has skill link)
EonArisenunless we're talking u-turn
EonArisenbug is possible, but impractical
LightDiablothere is loaded dice
Nomster4LifeFire, rock, fairy, fighting (bug?) is good against ice dark (coverage would be flying, psychic, or fairy move)
LightDiabloand skill link does not work atm
ProfessorPoh okay
turnipradishThat hits 5 if u do
turnipradishUnless you have skill link
turnipradish2-5 times icicle spear
MajiNxxThis IS ice move where IS thé coverage here
ProfessorPyeah i figured
LightDiablou would need flying or psychic types
ProfessorPdoes icescicle spear always hit?
turnipradishAre there shinies in Pokémon red/blue retro Kanto?
LightDiablooh fighting types
MajiNxxWho IS good against Dark and ice
LightDiabloexplain properly plz
LightDiablono for what are we covering
MajiNxxCause flying IS good against fighting
Nomster4LifeIt’s coverage, what is there to be confused about
LightDiabloI just am
LightDiabloI'm so confused
MajiNxxYes u need flying
EonArisenwho's on first...
LightDiablomake it have aerial ace
Nomster4LifeThe dark type is using the move you dumbie
LightDiablothe least u can have
ProfessorPmy mon is dark ice, and it wanna defend itself agaist threats
LightDiablomaybe make it have aerial ace
EonArisenwell it depends on what your main threat is
ProfessorPyou guys understan in reverse
LightDiablooh I see
MajiNxxPsychic do nothing to dark
Nomster4LifeFlying type move
ProfessorPnono, a coverage move for a dark ice to use
MajiNxxFlying type
LightDiablolike its x4 against dark ice
ProfessorPnvrmind, it has zen headbutt
LightDiablofighting type?
ProfessorPhey, anyone knows a good coverage move for a dark ICE?
EonAriseni think i'm a god by abusing synchronize and then jan comes in and kicks me in the face
EonArisenfighting the e4 with a pchal video in my headphones just reminds me how unskilled i am lmao
LightDiabloit will be too good :)
LightDiabloonce it opens,
LightDiablooh ye np
ProfessorPappreciate other players beeing passionate abt PVP
ProfessorPthanks for coming up w/ HUB league btw
ProfessorPgonna try to remember bro
LightDiabloif he pops up, can anyone tell him to talk to my messages plz
ProfessorPyeah guy was here playing kanto
ProfessorPoh... last seen 59mins ago
ProfessorPam i crazy or PG's page friggin reads he was last active 12 hours ago?