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XiterokToday is Risotto alla Milanese + pumpkin flowers
GraalOtonamiBone cooks in broth, the marrow gives flavour
LightDiablothat's why she is now an INDIAN
XiterokLong ago
MxDemeanorBone broth is amazing
LightDiabloits a feature
XiterokIn Sword/shield you Cook Curry
MxDemeanorhave you never had bone broth?
darkeryetdarkeralso i never noticed but why is one of the ingredients in sword actually hippowdoning bones?
XiterokI have a Murder puppy After out lunch
darkeryetdarkerabout side games im finally at glimwood so yea im already hunting it in the back [rn im actually curry hunting bc ig i hate myself]
MxDemeanortheres a murder puppy after me smh
MxDemeanoroh and I got to the next part of Changed
MxDemeanorI just really like platforming and puzzles
MxDemeanoroh I'm not here for the reward for compleing route 0
darkeryetdarkerheh imagine curry shiny hunting.
MxDemeanorpointing laughing imagine shiny hunting
darkeryetdarkerwell at least its fun [which can't be said with what im doing and it isn't cakewig hunting]
MxDemeanorTrying to figure out where the 7th is rn
MxDemeanorI'm up the 6th jump
MxDemeanorand this part that I'm doing in an invisible maze that you can only find the right path by jumping
MxDemeanorThe first part is platforming, not too hard but not a walk in the park either
Mellithaeoh, that explains it
MxDemeanorIts the challenge jext added to Kanto
MxDemeanoraw its not hell
MxDemeanorand I'm almost halfway done the second part
darkeryetdarkerjust pure hell
Mellithaewhat is the route 0 challenge?
MxDemeanorI'm up the second part of the route 0 challenge
MxDemeanormy phone is on charge now and its been charging all day and I'm praying it doesn't short circut
XiterokNew phone?
MxDemeanorI'm doing the route 0 challenge
MxDemeanorguess whaaaaat
XiterokThought the caves... Maybe Better?
XiterokAh, the arborean one
MxDemeanorsuddenly my phone went *POOF*
MellithaeHi light
LightDiablohey melli
XiterokOh, great... Thanks
Mellithaethe undergrowth or whatever its called
MxDemeanor BACKSorry I left so
Mellithaeit's in the fog place
XiterokAnyway, do you know where in Harsholme is the USB for the lady at the rocks?
XiterokTo prepare lunch
XiterokT9 transformed help in held
LightDiablowhat happened
LightDiablohey xiterok
XiterokWas afk to held for lunch
XiterokHello Light
darkeryetdarkeridk why i did that but wooper is cute
LightDiabloimma go to SS Anne as well then
LightDiabloin sword?
darkeryetdarkertbh its funny how i have a normal team that is fully evolved then i have a wooper with a everstone lmao
darkeryetdarkerthat what shiny hunting in glimwood does to a man
LightDiablodarker becoming indian
darkeryetdarkerbc well saw some encounters from curry and i decide to get a lot of berries
LightDiablooh I see
darkeryetdarkerin sword i mean
darkeryetdarkerwell never in my life did i think i was gonna buy 501 oran berries lmao
LightDiablolong time no see
LightDiablohey Xiterok
lilmucusin the route hoen im stuck for what to do after the rustboro gym
XiterokGood luck
darkeryetdarkerwell finally i have arrived to glimwood in sword so let the shiny hunt hell begin
Xiterok(and next time you Will choose Borovia, you might take the other costume)
GraalOtonamign Yellow :p
XiterokDoing so Will put you in the selection screen
lilmucusoh ok thanks
XiterokOn the site: Shop, scroll down to Reset Region and write Borovia
XiterokReset region
XiterokThen you can talk to taxi guy (or enter the mansion and exit)
lilmucusok thanks
XiterokAh, you must defeat the guards first
lilmucusi joined it by accident and i wanna go back lol
XiterokBecause you must find something with the wing
lilmucusthe haunted one
XiterokIn Which region are you?
lilmucuscan i return to hub without the airport thing