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MxDemeanorsilksong or gta6 first
WakoDoodletbh it feels like it. But it's closer to release than blue protocol XD
darkeryetdarkerits a social experiment
ProfessorPsilksong is just a myth
darkeryetdarkermx stop coping
WakoDoodlewhen silksong D:
MxDemeanorwhat if we're spelling out Jext's name
ProfessorPwe talkin abt hollow knigt now?
MxDemeanorwhat if
WakoDoodleoh woe to those who do not know what comes next...
darkeryetdarkerbc at least there you see everything here its just a guessing game
MxDemeanorThe path of pain had me tearing my hair out
darkeryetdarkertbh this shows this is worse then path of pain
MxDemeanoryou gotta jump
ProfessorPif is the knigt, then it must be shining armour
darkeryetdarkeri already did that joke
WakoDoodleI always imagined it as a reverse centaur :D
MxDemeanorthe twilight sparkle
ItsCarrotmaybe the puzzle is the friends we made along the way
MxDemeanorits the pony
WakoDoodleI always found it weird how the knight is a horse without a rider
ProfessorPpretty sure the horse's english name in chess is knight
darkeryetdarkerofc big L being knight and lines being rook
MxDemeanormaybe thats the puzzle
darkeryetdarkerlike the lil L are pawn taking pieces
darkeryetdarkertbh every move here is a chess move
MxDemeanorits the horsie
darkeryetdarkerwe are playing chess
MxDemeanorits not the knight
ProfessorPa chess Knight move?
MxDemeanorthanks for showing me an easier way of the two jumps
MxDemeanorbtw dark
darkeryetdarkerbc that would allow chesseing
MxDemeanoryeah its the backwards L
darkeryetdarkerwell its 100% not left
darkeryetdarkeryea but i did the version with the turn at the end
MxDemeanorknowing jext
MxDemeanorI'm sure that pokeball is a decoy
MxDemeanorThats what I did
MxDemeanorThats it!
darkeryetdarkertheir is a far easier option for turn 11th
MxDemeanorIts how I was doing the two jumps you were confused about
MxDemeanorI jump in an L
darkeryetdarkerhow is that turn posible?
MxDemeanoroh wait
MxDemeanorbut I got here
MxDemeanorI don't know how I got here
MxDemeanor11th step found!
WakoDoodleI think theres only 2 wiggle steps like that is this
MxDemeanorTenth step, found!
MxDemeanorYAY WAKO
XiterokSay aaaaaa aeaaeaaeeeeee
MxDemeanorimagine you have to start from trial 1 every time
XiterokBrain pawar
darkeryetdarkertbh i would take if all the tiles here were teleports then this
MxDemeanoruse your muscle memory wako
WakoDoodleyeah I think I deleted it, ah well
ProfessorPwall done devs
MxDemeanoryeah, theres a def a wall
MxDemeanori think theres a wall there
MxDemeanorsix if you include the turn
MxDemeanorIts a five tile jump
MxDemeanorCan we even get to that hole?
ProfessorPdid you never play san andreas?
WakoDoodleI drew it as I did it :D
MxDemeanorpointing laughing imagine having a cheatsheet
MxDemeanorI think its the tile behind the pokeball
WakoDoodleah I might of deleted my cheatsheet
MxDemeanori don't think so
darkeryetdarkerwell its 100% something with the hole
MxDemeanorI tried up
WakoDoodlehang on I foresaw this
XiterokI'm back
darkeryetdarkeractually wako
MxDemeanoryou can do it carrot!
ItsCarrotim soo doonnene
MxDemeanornope tried that
darkeryetdarkermaybe jump on the pokeball then to the hole?
MxDemeanoryeah this is as far as I've gotten
darkeryetdarkerok soooooo