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TheNewKingBret, OutragousCake, Luaos, Alb, Raynard, Araima, dawnishdays, Daltonis, NyraKyte, Bradydragonshade, Alro, olnkoriks, Tyinyk, CheeseGuy, LloydKasami, angstyx, Capurizor, Luthers_beetles, AerisIII, Inkdreigon, ShamrockAura, MrSleepy, Jext ★, FatalityMaid, Angedratum, SR400X, RoughKnight, IkiBatsu, Wheaties, mattgcn, flykaii, Demonic_Hex, FunkyMonkey243, Roksal, Flamingsundragon, PetrolHead, Splanks, Papita321, gabemiiboi, Diamondseek, rahl, GemWolfZ, Greywhoose, Amenu14, Hamano, ZeroStarKai, Nixcelpix, graymoon, JustGotNormal, FairLadyBellaphram, samwichconlimon
ZeroStarKaiyes, the dark room
ProfessorPumm... the dark room? or what?
ProfessorPokay, i am not understanding the answers you're throwing at me
xsweatersxi think it was like, middle top middle bottom far right?
ViralMagnumTyphloif laundry room it's unlocked, congrats, you beated the puzzle
xsweatersxah borovia
PG55the answer is the second door
ViralMagnumTyphlohey professor P, did you unlocked the laundry room? (the last door from the initial 3)
ProfessorPno door takes me foward on layer two
ZeroStarKaihave you considered going right
xsweatersxprof, where are you
xsweatersxit is now fully night, mobile bros
ProfessorPthere is no answer
ProfessorPzero, i been brute forcing it for a while now
MaskyGI figured out how to remove the chat from my screen on mobile thank god
ViralMagnumTyphlodid you unlocked the laundry room?
PG55youre hard to convince
ZeroStarKaibrute force it, P
xsweatersxdw about it professor
ViralMagnumTyphlocompletos italianos? what is that?
NixcelpixNot a golden Completo, so, No .u.
ProfessorPi really dont understand whats going on here
PG55we can have that too
ProfessorPguys? can someone tell me the answer to the mixed doors at the manor?
NixcelpixSorry, I prefer
ZeroStarKaipick one
PG55we have free **tacos**
ZeroStarKaijust swipe to the side
samwichconlimonleft or right, I can't remember which
PG55are you sure
samwichconlimonswipe masky
MaskyGI don’t know how to I’m on mobile ( I’m cooked )
ViralMagnumTyphloNixcelpix when use his Ultra metter fullest
NixcelpixNah, I'm ok
PG55NixcelPix would you like to join the Army?
NyraKytewhat platform?
xsweatersxresize the widget
ZeroStarKaimove your chat then, Masky
MaskyGBro the chat is taking up my whole screen
NixcelpixThats me
PG55NixcelPix would you like to join the Army?
xsweatersxi just saw youre number one on the shiny board! very cool
samwichconlimonall I need is pocket sand then to dodge until my fridge gets in from amazon
PG55Nix just died??}
xsweatersxhello again pix
NixcelpixHuzzah! Magic Explosis!
PG55nah, id win
xsweatersxjust have a masterball. ez
ZeroStarKaithe last person to challenge a walking mega rayquaza lost
PG55who would win: you or Mega Rayquaza?
xsweatersxhmmm since drenchest is light blue and the shiny is purple ill go with Tuber, starphin floaty
PG55hi Masky
PG55trainer-cool Purple to me
NyraKyteima swap it up. Lass X
ZeroStarKaiI'll stick with Trainer - Cute Blue
samwichconlimonall my shinies are in harsholme, so the male protag is all my shinies
NyraKyteLux or Trainer - Popular of your favorite color. EZ lucky outfits :3
PG55i just use the basic "trainer-cool-purple" one
xsweatersxive techinclly gotten ALL my shinies with the girl clown outfit
xsweatersxahhh but ive not even been playing for a week. sadge
BrunecoonSorry guys, still getting used to controls
NyraKyteOr, the one im using. Gotten lots of shinies with this skin
NyraKyteId say any outfit thats Event locked. no longer obtainable Dx
PG55(said Sweaters to the lord of shadows)
DaltonisAs Donda said, "Even if are not ready for the day, it cannot always be night"
ZeroStarKainever speak again
xsweatersxits always sunny when youre here PG uwu
xsweatersxwhats the luckiest outfit? im wearing the gobblinhead outfit
PG55my soldiers need to haunt you somehow
PG55Typhlo you cant always have sun
ViralMagnumTyphloi want sun UwU
ViralMagnumTyphloi don't wanna
xsweatersxyou may need a refresh Typjlo
ViralMagnumTyphlo13:26 to me for reasons
PG556x faster than real time
AlroWhat is the ingame time
PG55instead of doing it a lot of times, do it only once a lot of times
ZeroStarKaihow do you think I have a thousand encounters