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xsweatersxah i see. 326 encounters. baby numbers
TheNewKingBretcan you run from mew?
PG55to outsmart big numer rule:
xsweatersxcramorant is super rod
NyraKyteMew is hidden, but has a dex page, its just weirdly hidden
ZeroStarKaigo to the last entry you have and click the right arrow
PG55gamblers fallacy: the exact opposite of the big number rule
xsweatersxno pokedex entry for Drenchesrt
peacewingwhat rod do you use to catch cramorant in cloudia
TheNewKingBretsane daltonis
NyraKyteclick it in the pokedex
samwichconlimonsame daltonis
DaltonisI've put too much time into this wooper I'm too deep into the gambler's fallacy at this point
xsweatersxwish i knew how many encounters ive had with this darned chest
ZeroStarKaiI've been moving a bit too slowly
TheNewKingBretlmao do it
ZeroStarKaiand that makes 1000 mews
PG55thats kinda my job
DaltonisI'm considering making it a 99% PG don't tempt me
NyraKyteI prefer to call myself a Shiny Marksmen. or maybe Shiny Ranger. New class update kappa
xsweatersxsounds like gamblers fallacy
PG55if they quit, theyre not shinyhunters
PG55100% of shinyhunters dont quit
Daltonis98% of shiny hunters quit right before hitting their shiny guys
TheNewKingBretmy faith in this mission is gone
ProfessorPthe right corridor in the manor just doesnt lead anywhere
xsweatersxno solutions, just emulsions
ProfessorPthere is no sollution
xsweatersxmy faith in the mission only grows
TheNewKingBret1500 more to go
xsweatersxMIGHT only work after 7pm or 8pm. when me and rezzy were trying to get ciguapo to evo it only worked after 7pm for god knows what reason
AlroYeah a night evo is the last one i need for this dex
Sincubusbut it starts at 1800
xsweatersxshould count for everything except evos that explicitly say night like Ciguapo
Sincubusis night rn for me
xsweatersxjust became dusk
xsweatersxit was very helpful for rica
AlroCan someone on PC where the clock is visible tell me how long until night?
DaltonisIt hasn't been updated with newer content, but what is already on it seems to be accurate
DaltonisThe data on the wiki seems accurate from what I've seen
ZeroStarKaior maybe just harsholme
Sincubuswiki is dateless
xsweatersxfair. all i have tho to look at stuff
ZeroStarKaioutright missing regions
ZeroStarKaithe wiki's super out of date
xsweatersxaccording to wiki anyway. may be out of date
xsweatersxepic rod
peacewingwhat rod do you use to catch yanmega in cloudia
xsweatersxnice found a way to keep on top of chat while still refreshing every five seconds. just have chatlog open on the main site
samwichconlimondinner calls, be back in a bit
samwichconlimonnot yet for me...
NyraKyteI even trained against Chalkers
NyraKytejust off topic. Does anyone random have certain mons in their dex, the encounted counter reset? I have def seem more than 140 obliterat... and i check my chalkner... i farmed for a shiny, and says only 18
PG55i mean
ZeroStarKaiI caused Azria to run away from me because I kept diving into him
samwichconlimonI didn't even know she was making a sound, I had my volume low lol
NyraKyteIt was super effective.
PG553 mouths
ViralMagnumTyphlopfffttt x'DDD
ViralMagnumTyphloa floating azria chased me like an horror game and fart reberv me until i doscnnect :'c
NyraKyteIt was uh... wrong chat. yeah. les go with that
PG55you know Azria is a god-like being, right?
samwichconlimonthat is for the best professor p
ProfessorPand if anyone tell me anyway, im gonna become a sworn enemy
PG55Nyra what??
ProfessorPi am not even gonna ask
ZeroStarKaiDamn, didn't know you were freaky like that
TheNewKingBretdont bring them up
NyraKyteImean.... yeah... nice
NyraKyteI miss it TwT
samwichconlimonI will not elaborate
samwichconlimonat least azria is not on farting on people again
ProfessorPdirty move
ProfessorPoh so that is the maid that snipes you from offschreen
Primaldashrude sandstorm
ZeroStarKaiInfinite magical defense