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ZeroStarKaiSimple: I have learned how to stop giving a damn
peacewingno prob
BalloonsOooooh i see, thanks peacewing & zerostarkai
demonycnor patience
demonycwell i dont think i have time for that xd
ZeroStarKaiYour magic doesn't work on me, baby wizard
samwichconlimonthen hunt leilyne, they will come to you
ZeroStarKaiyou don't, Balloons
demonycill prolly never farm for them tho
peacewingu cant
PG55Zero not anymore
BalloonsHi guysss i just beat flannery in retro hoenn, how can i progress now?? Pls help :')
Sincubusyeah what pg said
PrimalHoenn is still WIP
PG55you dont
peacewingi dont think its done yet
PG55thats the neat part
ZeroStarKaithank god I am emotionally, physically, and spiritually disattached from this chat
Sincubusnot finished, bestie
samwichconlimonmore or less pg
Forrtreshello everyone please any of you guys know in retro hoenn how can i continue to the fathers gym i already have the 4 badges and went to the desert but ki cannot continue
samwichconlimonthey are not that rare demonyc. I also don't have global pc yet, so I can't auction
Sincubusnow I don't think I am
PG55cheese flavored plastic?
Sincubusya know, I WAS hungry
samwichconlimonlike, just american yellow single wrapped slices
demonycsamwich how much ppp do you want for a shiny obliterat?
IcymossMarmite with cheese is bad
NyraKyteWhat kind of cheese?
PG55Samwich youd love Lernaean Hydra dipped in butter
samwichconlimonagain, the worst part was the peanut butter and the cheese combined. everything else I have eaten at some point in my life for meals regularly
Zigzaloh nah
Sincubusthe breads gone bad
xsweatersxright well no sandwich for me cause my bread went bad. icecream it is
Zigzaltesting the limits of the human body right here
Sincubusbro casually eats posion
samwichconlimonNah, that thing was nasty. worst tasting thing that is not actively poisonous I have ever tasted
SincubusI think I'm with filetman on this
filetman125im sorry
filetman125samwich that 2 headed dragon sounds disgusting
samwichconlimonI was in elementary school I think, if it helps
Sincubusmy brain trying to process
Sincubuswhat you said
samwichconlimonfrom which thing sincubus
SincubusI think I just had a hyuckin stronk
PG55using Submarine eels?
xsweatersxit was not even directed at anyone
PG55Sweaters why are you trying to flirt with strangers?
samwichconlimonI was trying to make a food version of that 2 headed dragon from how to train your dragon with cheese, peanut butter, hotdogs (microwaved), and flour tortillas
xsweatersxwhen im wiff you :mon_00c53vmq: when im not wiff you :mon_00kvdxk3:
Sincubuspb chicken sounds disgusting
ZeroStarKaiwith chicken rings
filetman125peanut butter is just..
ZeroStarKaiI return
IcymossCaps sorry
PG55ive never had peanut butter...
Sincubusthat sounds like literal torture
samwichconlimonI will say: worst food combo I have tried is peanut butter and cheese. ugh
Icymossi had kbbq leftovers for dinner YIPPIE
Zigzalthose 3 things sound like a terrible combo
samwichconlimoncheese icymoss?
PG55(if you want to join the Army)
Sincubusthats the worst sandwich stats I've ever seen
Icymosswhat ws that 3rd thing?
PG55everything a healthy diet needs
samwichconlimonI am bread, ham, 253 pieces of trash, cheese, lemon, bread
PG55why is there a freedom pokemon??
Sincubusits got lemon in it
xsweatersxMe chasing Sam :mon_00m1eqk1:
PG55samwich ran away
samwichconlimonI will taste bad, from all the trash in me
Zigzalsome of you may die but that's a sacrifice i'm willing to make
peacewingthey shal be missed
peacewingF to samwich
xsweatersxa samwich. ima eat chu
Icymossthey ok
samwichconlimonwha... make a what now?
PG55ive never had *tacos*...
xsweatersxspit on that thang
Icymosshawk tuwa
xsweatersxspeaking of tacos mad eme hungry. i will go make a sammich
PG55why is the chat like that tonight?