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Killergunfuryand you only have 6 shiny rats Samwich?
xsweatersxthe ratsw were inside our eyes of the bee holder
NixcelpixYeah i see it, cool Seel
demonycthe real rats are the friends we made along the way
NyraKyteI took a break cuz I got a seel instead Dx
samwichconlimon5526 obliterat, 496 exverminate
NyraKyteive found it on the ground literally next to articuno (not on articunos platform, but the nearby land.)
TheNewKingBretwe are the rats
demonychow many rats
NixcelpixI know where i can go
TheNewKingBret3726 for me
demonycthe real question is
ZaxaroneIt is me
NixcelpixBless to you
samwichconlimon123 leilyne encounters. the struggle is constant
NixcelpixIn the articuno cave?
NyraKytetheres a walking encounter for shellder o3o
Nixcelpixis very slow step to fish hunting al least in Retro Kanto
NixcelpixI tried to hunt a shellder
TheNewKingBretwill but i would to finish the story a lot
NyraKyteget the orange shellder. it looks so goofy and cool
Killergunfuryshiny hunt Gobblin
TheNewKingBretnext i shiny im going to what it is lol
NyraKyteclick the last mon, and then hit the right arrow see fi that helps
DaltonisScroll to the right with the upper right button
demonycbc its the last mon
demonycbut gullutton doesnt show there
samwichconlimonyou can, pokedex widget
TheNewKingBretopen the podedex you can
NyraKytehaha nice, we got him
xsweatersxstraight through the middle. red sea that goomy
demonycit kinda sucks that we cant see how many encounters i ave
peacewingright or left
peacewinghey guys
Killergunfuryabout to get 300 encounters
TheNewKingBretif he get it im quiting the game then
DaltonisI'm hunting inderleveled as well tho
demonyci have a plan
TheNewKingBretget the master ball bruh before the hunt
DaltonisDawg get the Master ball at leastt 😭
xsweatersx24h surstrommig
samwichconlimonit is shockingly good
ZeroStarKaiSam that sounds like hell
demonycwhat could go wrong
demonycshiny hunting gulluton with a lvl 40 team and no master ball
samwichconlimonreminds me, anyone else had the swedish fish flavored energy drink that somehow got the texture of swedish fish?
xsweatersxor that
xsweatersxswi[pe left or right
ZeroStarKaiturn off popups in the settings
HawkeyepoopDo yall know how to get rid of the chat on mobile? Nothing against yall but it keeps popping up and blocking my screen
ViralMagnumTyphlohigh and tired
ViralMagnumTyphlome after 1 coffee milky
xsweatersxyou can be high AND tired. depends on wether it was indica or sativa
ViralMagnumTyphlothey were lvl 2 yesterday, they were lvl 15 today
Killergunfurywhy do the rats look both high and tired
xsweatersx45 more encounters and then i sleep
samwichconlimontype /join ddpshc people
xsweatersxshnies do make my kokoro go doki doki
TheNewKingBretfor samwich
NixcelpixDoki Doki Pokengine Shiny Hunt Club
Killergunfuryi found 2 :)
xsweatersxi found oneeee shiny today
samwichconlimonI got my 3rd golden obliterat this morning
ViralMagnumTyphloand i did nothing else
ViralMagnumTyphloi spent the entire day grinding money to buy supplements
Killergunfuryso i think i just got lucky
NixcelpixI found nothing today
KillergunfuryNixcelpix i found one in like 1-2 hours of hunting today
xsweatersxsongs even
samwichconlimontop notch rhyming from us
xsweatersxmoooom theyre singing based sings in chat
KillergunfuryYo Icy any luck?
Nixcelpixwhat will it take, just to find that rainbow shiny?
samwichconlimonwhat will it take, just to find that rainbow shiny?
NixcelpixBut in this world of infinite shiny mon's
samwichconlimonjust move your hand, hunt the way, into your box
xsweatersxwow that was a fast 2h welcome back