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Alb, Lag_Altrash, TheFuriousHawk, Whitescorpion, Marichu, ikaliu, PG55, angstyx, Greywhoose, AerisIII, Jext ★, Sincubus, Nixcelpix, ShadowFromNorth, PoweredPhil, legixtm, RS3PT, kyledove ★, Tranzx, ZeroStarKai ★, claush, halfkin, OktoLK, ViralMagnumTyphlo, dawnishdays, JDop, Jhosuejskjsk, Scravo, StinkyGoldy, darkeryetdarker, april, tetrislicious, xBlackBerry, archen11, zwrieger, Viccer, Ducklightyear, blue_busia, ginko724, TerraNightgale, LuckiCorii, Fazecillo, IsaMO, Koalabeaver, koma77, deathking10, WyrmPrince, Betamon, ZenOuji, Aceheart, Rhazzy, Izaya, Zaxarone, Whodadman, ShamrockAura, Merricide, JaneJewel, nelly77, Xyclonderan, Kendal_979, Shokie
Loaffskill issue
Krownocswhat does yugioh have to do with pegging
GemWolfZim watching yu-gi-ih i do NOT havr the brainspace for pegging talk
MultiAnd Rainbow Shiny Marill is real too now
KillergunfuryThat charizard has a mega stone!
KillergunfuryJext is testing Mega Evos
Killergunfuryi found a secret
ZeroStarKaiyou haven't surpassed it yet
DaltonisI told you you ain't ready for me matching Azria's freak 😭
&0verL0rdguys there's kids around chill
GemWolfZoh no i would never
Loaffdont kink shame
ZeroStarKaiNothing you need to worry about
&0verL0rdyeah guys chill
GemWolfZwhat the hell is going on in here
DaltonisMe before my mommy dommy pegs me "Altight babe"
Krownocs*vine boom*
Loaffjust how i like it
KillergunfuryAltight Jext! I challenge you to a battle!
&0verL0rdlv up with metal burst
AlroHow do i evolve romirror? I'm in mobile so i can't check the wiki
Killergunfuryafter i get to my global pc*
KillergunfuryJext i challenge you to a battle!
ZeroStarKaiLegends say if you challenge Jext to a battle you will hear a knock at the door
DaltonisThe devs said that Jext is in active in offline more that one owuld assume
KillergunfuryAzria is Chaotic Neutral
ZeroStarKaiHe may well have just gone invisible
ZeroStarKaiJext is the chaotic god of this mmo
KillergunfuryJext just disappeared
ZeroStarKaione of the mods can likely give you the item back
ZeroStarKaiask for help in the discord
TheRamenGuygod damn it my game bugged and i lost the lift key, i can't continue without it
Killergunfuryim chilling next to Jext shiny hunting for a Squiwer
Killergunfuryhello Krow
Krownocshello my good people
DaltonisCya Bret!
DaltonisIt's just a numbers game
DaltonisI'm sure eventually somone will come along and get it within 100 encounters
TheNewKingBretgoodluck to you bye and bye to Azria
KillergunfuryAzria your farts are gonna summon a shiny
DaltonisIt's up to rng
KillergunfuryFart Reverb
DaltonisDon't count your eggs before they hatch
TheNewKingBretDaltonis im sure you will get before me tho
DaltonisAlmost one week I think
DaltonisUsing the manual scroll on the individual entires lets you potentially see what isn't shown in the dex itself
ZeroStarKai600 mew so far
TheNewKingBretyou been at for like 2 week?
KillergunfuryAzria is 6 pixels rn
tetrislicious850 balanoral im take a break for now
DaltonisYeah sometimes the Dex is a bit bugged and doesn't show every mon it should
TheNewKingBretdamn my only say 222
ZeroStarKaithat was actually useful info though, Daltonis
TheNewKingBrethow many are you at?
ZeroStarKaiyou can also just grab the one you do have and right click -> dex entry
Killergunfuryi leave a battle and see a caked up emoji has spawned in
DaltonisIn the up-right corner
DaltonisIF you tap on the last mon you can move it over once to the right still
TheNewKingBretit not in pokedex
TheNewKingBretWAIT Today hour too so 17-16 ish
DaltonisYou can check in the Dex entry
TheNewKingBreti lost count at his point but hours about 14
Araimathe frodent hunt has ruined me
AraimaI'm immune xD
DaltonisDang how many resets you got?
Araimastill no fx tho
Araimawell now I see the cheeks
TheNewKingBretDaltons im getting off good luck with gulluton
★Azria ★check ur settings
Araimabut no sound
AraimaNope, I see the fx
Araimaok, music is on
TheNewKingBreti havent heard either but chill with that
Araimalemme finish this fight..
DaltonisThis mf such a menace on this land I can't
ZeroStarKaiHe'll have to run that command until one of us dies\
★Azria ★u must hear it
AraimaI have music muted so I guess I'm immune to the sfx xP