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ViralMagnumTyphlonow i wanna cry x'DDD i shouldn't had looked
MultiWe don't know
filetman125what if its 1/100k as opposed to the 1/10k golden
filetman125its one of a kind, maybe worth the same as your alolan ninetales
ZeroStarKaithat is indeed a rat
Killergunfurydo you want the nickit or not Filet?
filetman125i replied to it
ViralMagnumTyphlo... no i didn't
filetman125its one of a kind
filetman125typhlo have u seen the rainbow rat in pokengine channel
Killergunfuryso do you want my Nickit?
ViralMagnumTyphlodeserve to be shelved in a museum (?)
ViralMagnumTyphlolike, useless for combat but rare to have 0
ViralMagnumTyphloexactly saddly :c
Killergunfuryit has a 0 iv
GemWolfZtransform doesnt work? ditto is literally useless? thats hilarious
filetman125whats rare abt it lol
filetman125is it shiny?
Killergunfurymy nickit is rare
Killergunfurydo you want my nickit for it?
ZeroStarKai5 pathetic mons, forgotten among the best
filetman125those 2 low ivs is the dealbreaker
ZeroStarKai4 verdant leaves, wilted like the last
filetman125imma still keep mine tho
ZeroStarKaigyrados doesn't get a line
ZeroStarKai3 fairy winds, put the doggo to rest
Killergunfury29 31 24 2 29 3
ZeroStarKai2 great minds, shadowed in my midst
ZeroStarKaizapped to a crisp
ZeroStarKailittle birdie
ZeroStarKaiI've joined the jumping
Killergunfuryim in kanto
filetman125whats the ivs on your gobblin?
Killergunfuryyou sure?
filetman125im good, ive already trained it up a bit
Killergunfurywanns trade Gobblin?
KrownocsI'm a dragonball fan, I can't read
filetman12530, 25, 29, 23, 8 (sadge), 26
Krownocsaye mb
Killergunfuryim asking for the gobblins ivs
Killergunfuryi know what ivs are ._.
Krownocsinherited values, stat bonuses that a mon is born with
Killergunfurywhats the ivs
filetman125its actually got really good ivs
filetman125should i train my gobblin up to lvl 100
Loaffthats tuff
filetman125damn good luck brodie
DaltonisBreak timee
DaltonisWelp 4k Gullutton resets and nothing
filetman125they should add an easter egg
ZeroStarKaiimagine there was just a truck here in the woods
GemWolfZtruck now.
filetman125lmaoo no
ZeroStarKaiceledon woods, post game area
Killergunfurywhere mew?
ZeroStarKaionce I hit 700 mews I'mma join you in jumping him
ZeroStarKaiflex on him multiple times
ZeroStarKaithe fight's bugged
Krownocsthat's cold man
Killergunfurymy raticate is alive
Killergunfuryim flexing on my rival in the pokemon tower
DaltonisOn CV yeah
Killergunfuryare a 1% chance to encounter
Killergunfuryall the mons....
Killergunfuryso your saying
KrownocsI'm noticing
&0verL0rdall the 100 mons on CV are 1/100
MultiI think Azria was trolling...
DaltonisAzria was trolling with that I think 😭
KrownocsI have encountered only a single one and I've been farming CV since yesterday
Killergunfuryodds are 1/999
DaltonisThe odds are currently unknown
MultiWe don't know the odds
Krownocsbro how rare is a slowpoke
KillergunfuryGem is that you?
GemWolfZoh? even rarer shiny variant?
MultiI was there, yeah
DaltonisSome ppl got them
DaltonisYeah Rainbow Shinies have been confirmed like today I think
Killergunfurycmere Gem