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ZeroStarKaifor being 40 levels underleved I expected it to be harder
ZeroStarKaiI beat superboss jext
GemWolfZhes by the southwest entrance to tge area
Killergunfurystaring at a girl
Killergunfuryidk he a dude
filetman125what does he look like
Killergunfurytalk to a dude
filetman125where is romeo?
Killergunfuryi have a name but dont wanna spoil it
Killergunfuryby "regional" thats the placeholder name of the region
Killergunfury"regional" Sandyghast
MultiGood luck
Killergunfuryooooh i got an idea
Zaxaroneback to fishing for shiny dratini
Killergunfuryhello Zax
Kyurihtit's been so long i still haven't fished up a wingull
Zaxaronehello all
insumesi'm searching for the banana guy on summer island
filetman125how do i start the quest?
Killergunfuryi have the starter town, Route 1 (a hiking path) into the beach of the town
insumeskinda like that
insumesthat one desert place with the construction in unova
insumesfor routes I think maybe a place with a logging operation would be neat
insumesi mean i can give ideas since i'm here
ZeroStarKaiI wish I could skip the hall of fame
filetman125no ideas
Killergunfuryany ideas for routes Filet?
filetman125pussour is bigger that morabyssal?
Killergunfuryok fr this time im gonna work on ideas for my region
filetman125all my mons in hub wait a sec
filetman125do u need to battle anything
Killergunfuryget 4th totem
Killergunfuryhedge maze
filetman125where is the romeo quest in easter island?
RescueSquadCulpHi disregard last message
KillergunfurySpicy Lasagna
Killergunfuryname the other one Lasagna
Killergunfurywhere is the shiny tube cat im looking for
ZeroStarKaiskill issue
filetman125oh yeah most of them got bashed by an npc with like 4 lvl 70s
ZeroStarKaiwhy is most of your team dead
filetman125ill post in general
KillergunfuryFrench Fry
Killergunfurythe bird looking thing?
filetman125idk what to name my shiny
Killergunfury"Driptonian G" is its name
filetman125maybe thats why its blinging
ZeroStarKaiDriptonian Grimer
filetman125is it a kantonian grimer with a gold chain?
Killergunfuryits a kantonian grimer
filetman125ooh nice shiny
Killergunfuryand this is my Kantonian Grimer
Killergunfuryi called it Zero
samwichconlimon102 Leilani seen. Back to work. See ya later
Killergunfurythis is the Nickit
RezzyTheGamerwhat does shift mode do
Killergunfurycome to borovia Filet
Killergunfuryi wanna flex
KillergunfuryRezzy go to the hub
filetman125goes in your global pc gift box
RezzyTheGamerthats horrible
Killergunfuryi bought a pokemon in auction what happens now
&0verL0rdno fly on mobile
filetman125cause my first 2 full odds ran :(
filetman125last week i caught my first shiny in 2 yrs
filetman125im happy tho
RezzyTheGamerlads how do you use fly on mobile?
ViralMagnumTyphlonow i feel bad x'd i get a shiny opportunity every 3 months
filetman125my gunk shot missed 4 times in a row
samwichconlimonEver heard of a penny auction? That is this rn
ZeroStarKaiPut it up for auction for 1 PPP and I will buy it
Killergunfuryany other offers?
Killergunfury1 pokedollar any other offers?
ZeroStarKai1 pokedollar
Killergunfuryim taking offers for the 0 iv -nature Nickit
filetman125hope it has a sound
MultiAlso, you'll have to look at the screen to see if it's rainbow or not, no shiny star appeared as of what I understood
filetman125the envy is real haha