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ZeroStarKaiHer grumpig got hit with Golden Experience Requiem
AraimaI had a  nap and it disoriented me since I was suffocating in it
ngoomiegrumpig don't wanna adult anymore it has crawled back inside egg
Araimaquestion is : did I swapit out when I was half asleep..?
Lokyubsoh wait one more thing
Araimaand my Grumpig has been replaced by an egg
Lokyubsgave it some few moves hope ya enjoy!
ZeroStarKaiAraima, when I clicked on that video, I was expecting the Hell track
AraimaI've been afk for a hot minute
Araimaso um
umbralultimatumoh hell yes someone who actually gets it
✏mattgcnumbral ultimatum... banger song that one
Lokyubskek there we go
umbralultimatumlol it was behind my game window
Lokyubsheya araima
Lokyubsthe trade widget is probably behind one of them
Lokyubstry moving your widgets around with right click and hold
Lokyubsoh you're fine no worries
umbralultimatumi didnt see it sorry i have no idea what im doing lmfao
Lokyubsnah i'd say that's good
Lokyubso press on the check mark
Random12specialI bulked on potions, smart or dumb move?
umbralultimatumis it working i have no idea
Lokyubsoh sweet
umbralultimatumok i caught one
Lokyubsi forgot how to get pokeballs in the beginning
umbralultimatumi don't have any other pokemon
Lokyubsoh can i borrow him rq?
umbralultimatumi have the bulbite
Zaxaronehey all
umbralultimatumi'm brand new
Lokyubsdo you have a flying pokemon umbra?
Lokyubsit does the first dialogue and restarts the match when you talk to them the 2nd time
Lokyubsoh talk to the first one again
ZeroStarKaiin the tower? it didn't seem like I could rematch them (I tried talking to them again after beating them)
Lokyubseither grind from the souls or fight the guards over and over
ZeroStarKaiis there a suggested spot to grind to lvl 50 here or is it just destroy the lost souls until I get there?
Lokyubscome to the harbour umbra
ZeroStarKaialright, I've got like 15-20 levels to grind to be on par with the Count
umbralultimatumhow do i leave harsholme
ZeroStarKaiI'm free
ZeroStarKaiyou closing the trade sent me into the shadow dimension
Lokyubsyeah what kai said
Lokyubsoh like take them out
vippro224di wanna see them follow me behind
ZeroStarKairight click -> take out of ball
vippro224dhey guys how to show my pokemon ?
Lokyubsoh sure
ZeroStarKaiI'm in borovia
ZeroStarKaican someone trade me so I can evolve my Compella?
flutter_mageyeah sorry i should have clarified
LuckyClover777I thought you were talking about in a battle
flutter_mageokay tysm
ngoomieparty menu
flutter_magein what menu?
ZeroStarKairight click it
LuckyClover777At least in PokeRogue, IDk about here
flutter_magefrom my own mon
LuckyClover777I think it's in this.
LuckyClover777With stuff like Covet
flutter_mageis it possible to take a held item away from a pokemon?
Aman200726Where is the goblin maniac?
ZeroStarKaigood thing you weren't playing an a game boy, then
hollywogguess I didnt recognize it in this art style lol
hollywogahh thanks
gabgabanu22does anyone know how to get gullutton? i know its in hoolow depths but cant seem to find him?
ZeroStarKaithat'll take you to the basement
ZeroStarKaithere's a cliff you have to jump off of from the third floor
hollywogDo I have to hit switches in a specific order?
hollywogso, I may be stupid, but does anyone else have a hard time getting through pokemon mansion on Cinnibar? I know the switches, I just can't figure out how to progress
umbralultimatumoops lmfao
gabgabanu22ah ok goot to know thanks
ZeroStarKaifrom what I've heard before, no, it isn't
gabgabanu22so its not a field move in harsholme?
ZeroStarKaithere most likely aren't any areas where you CAN use waterfall
gabgabanu22how do i use waterfall? I have a pokemon who has learned it but it still won't work?