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gabgabanu22ZeroStarKai is there any way to get my disappeared soothe bell back?
ZeroStarKaihave you kept up with the discord?
ZeroStarKainot all, though
ZeroStarKaiQuite a few of them
ZeroStarKaiThey do now
Hiradoumiatleast what the tutorial told me
Hiradoumiheld items do not work
gabgabanu22my soothe bell went away...
gabgabanu22how can i get my held items back if they disappear from my pokemon
gabgabanu22yes i can transfer from harsholme i just finished
gabgabanu22oh ok i didnt realize soothe bell works
Lokyubsyep yep
ZeroStarKaigab, do you have global PC access yet?
Lokyubs50 to 220
Lokyubshere's a better solution, battle tower, buy 30 ev candy
filetman125but yes it works
filetman125oh not in borovia
ZeroStarKai2. Does it even WORK yet?
ZeroStarKai1. can you even GET that in borovia?
filetman125soothe bell
ZeroStarKaigab, have it walk outside of its ball, and just give it as many levels as you can
tetrisliciousback to the grind
gabgabanu22any tips for higher friendship for mightiro to evolve?
Lokyubsoh nice!
✏mattgcnyay leilyne
ZeroStarKaime personally nobody's searching my history until I'm dead so I'm quite safe on that front
✏mattgcni even purchased an mp3 of it because i wanted to show the creator i loved him even though its an AI creation
✏mattgcnFUN! LIKE! THAT!
✏mattgcnLIFE IS JUST
filetman125couldn't even listen to it cause i was scrambling to delete it off my history
Araimaoh we need cursed songs?
ZeroStarKaifilet, why did you WATCH it
✏mattgcnGOD i love that song
filetman125im getting ptsd from the gluing my balls to my butthole video
ZeroStarKaiThank god having a corviknight makes grinding for the count so easy
Lokyubsin that case ill help you look for one
✏mattgcnthanks though!
✏mattgcnnah i will eventually living dex anyway so i might as well catch a newo ne
Lokyubsi have one you can borrow
AraimaI'm just *still* looking for a shiny frodent
ZeroStarKaineither trainers nor wild mons are safe from you in your sleep
Lokyubsneed help matt?
✏mattgcnbut im trying to get a new leilyne because of COURSE dex guy wanted to see one right after i traded it for whud
Lokyubsprobably you were zoinked out and accidentally button mashed confirm when it gave you an egg from a fight
Araimawhy yes I'm dead inside whyd o you ask?
✏mattgcni need to go back to easter and make it cold again
✏mattgcngod i dont have any frodents
Araima20 something
AraimaI put frodent eggs in 7 and any other egg goes in like,
AraimaI don't even go anywhere NEAR this box
Araimaok how the hell did my grumpig get put in box 3?
ngoomiei'm in quite a bad way myself from a mix of things incl. having one hell of a time in school as a kid (thanks to both students and teachers alike)
ngoomiepeople really underestimate how much it can rayquaza you up just having to bear the weight of "insignificant" things without assistance
AraimaI'm a right mess
Araimathen there's mental stuff working for my father did
Araimabut years of "putting up with bidoof" as it were led to PTSD
Araimaoriginally it was just a flat feet issue when I was younger
✏mattgcnoh yeah naturally
Araimaso paying for one myself out of pocket isn't an answer
ngoomiei'm going to beat up your insurance
Araimadue to both mental and physical reasons
Araimawell I'm unable to work a normal job
✏mattgcnas i assume thats the only way to get a cpap covered there
Araimaand gave up
AraimaI fought for years
✏mattgcnclassic insurance
Lokyubsoh sure gab
Araimabut insurance won't cover a sleep study
AraimaI do have it most likely Matt
✏mattgcnstopped getting em when he got his cpap machine
Zaxaroneone day i'll have  a pink dratini :>
gabgabanu22can someone help me evolve my linklite and compella in borovia?
✏mattgcnare you sure you dont have like, sleep apnea or something. my dad would have a lot of suffocation type dreams and it turns out it was his brain saying bro breathe better
Araimabut the whole speaking slowly and not being able to breath (or at least feeling like I'm not able to catch myy breath) is reoccuring
Lokyubsprune fingers be lit
AraimaI'm just a lil bothered cuz this isn't the first dream where thats happened.  It wasnt a reoccuring one cuz there were diff people
AraimaI just got out of the bath.  Was soaking for like an hour lol
Lokyubshope ya enjoy harsholme!
AraimaI've been drinking water
Lokyubsa lil something to get ya started
umbralultimatumoh wow thanks so much
Lokyubsyou doing good araima? get some water first
Araimalike, I was okay, I was talking real slow and couldn't breathe well :<
Lokyubsgot hit with crazy diamond and is now stuck in the egg once more
Araimaand my mind has been a lil ick since then