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MonsieurElmawe could also have a clamperl
WakoDoodleoh a monitor lizard
ColosoalTurtwig is in the jungle
WakoDoodle(I can't spell it today)
FoxMan_FFFirst time walking into Diglett's Cave and OF COURSE the first thing I encounter is the Lv. 29 Dugtrio
MonsieurElmayeah carvanah
WakoDoodlecarnava for the paranah
Whopper223even more smart
MonsieurElmanot a river
MonsieurElmait is an abyss dweller
MonsieurElmarelicanth is not a good match
WakoDoodlewe need a turtle
Shengian_Spidopssurskit is irrelevant
ColosoalI say throw it relicanth into the river mix
Whopper223that was the smartest thing i said
Shengian_SpidopsI meant water/bug
MonsieurElmaspidos we have maskadrain
Shengian_SpidopsMeant water/bug
ColosoalWe got tododile, magickarp, regional sandile, alolamalola
Whopper223hey guys
Shengian_Spidopsmake a regional spidops thats water/flying and based off of a water bug
Whopper223ijoidjiosdijdosdidsiodsahwyedwafinsdj\kl ia
WakoDoodleor febass
MonsieurElmano it woudlnt make sense
Shengian_SpidopsIt would be cool tho right?
MonsieurElmawhiscash is good
WakoDoodleany magikarp in there?
ColosoalI don’t think we are gonna be able to get the rights for those spidops
DroncarHoly bidoof there is a mouse in my wall
AminyI’m fairly certain there’s catfish in the nile so barboach and whiscash?
Shengian_Spidopsmake a regional brokenstien
ColosoalSo we need some Nile river animals/folktales
MonsieurElmaa regional sandile water/dark
Shengian_SpidopsAdd saluminous then ig
ColosoalIt’s based of Nile river
MonsieurElmait needs love
WakoDoodlewe need fish in the river
ColosoalSo far we got tododile and that’s about iy
Axtroooowhow do i assign pokeballs to a certain slot
WakoDoodleso we got cats, plants, apes/monkeys, frogs
ColosoalWe are needing mons for river
Shengian_SpidopsMake a regional poison type mankey, primeape, and annililape
AminyConvergent form of wishiwashi that is locus instead to reference the clouds of locus?
ColosoalSavannah, jungle, river, pryamid, and desert
XiterokGotta go, bye
WakoDoodleyeah those apes are perfect
ColosoalSo we have 5 areas
MonsieurElmaaraquanid is a no brainer
ColosoalGet the two monkeys that are verison exclusive in the jungle
MonsieurElmaALOLA PEAK
ColosoalNgl we need more alola mons in here
WakoDoodleoh yeah I forgot Poliwag are jungle frogs
XiterokYou can control also with controller
MonsieurElmadid he just call harsholme dogburmy
AminyHave it be dark fighting type
capoznichalright dogwooper region we go next /s
ColosoalAnyway I feel like a muddy area is more fitting for the jungle area
Axtroooowthe fact i can control this game with my mouse is crazy
MonsieurElmaharsholme hordes gave me so many
AminyOh! We should definitely have a honey badger pokemon!
Droncaryou unlucky
MonsieurElmayou are unlucky
capoznichdo the hordes in Harsholme Brink not produce shinies or am i just super unlucky? (or is 1/1000 shiny odds a lie lol)
MonsieurElmawith like mud spots
MonsieurElmaursaluna in desert
MonsieurElmait is peak pokengine region
WakoDoodlewe got 2 bears that can fit 2 areas
XiterokHarsholme is great for the plot
Axtroooowalr ill do harsholme
ColosoalIf you want story harsholme is perfect for that
MonsieurElmait has but it can fit on a post-it
WakoDoodleLiepard for the jungle leopard
darkeryetdarkermore so no
MonsieurElmayes and no
Axtroooowdoes summer island have a stoey
MonsieurElmai had a kind soul teaching my bubble hippo the move surf
MonsieurElmaoh thius