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AllymanCress isn't a mythical
PG55if Cresselia can be legal, Darkrai should be too
ColosoalEven when it is it’s mostly showdown national dex
ProfessorPand i am a menace when i wanna
ColosoalIt’s rarely allowed so
ColosoalTbh Darkrai didn’t do nothing
PG55Pr. P youre literally a professor
AllymanSmeagle was saving us from a good mon that can use dark void
ProfessorPmy strenghts are not readily visible
ProfessorPi am a bit harder to train
AllymanNah, if Darkrai was legal at any  point, it would have been on every team
ColosoalDarkrai had to suffer for smeargles sins
PG55unless in the Loser's game
ProfessorPi learn by seeing others doing
PG55smeargle should become illegal
ProfessorPsmeargle is relatable
ColosoalDarkrai is the older child that got blamed for something smeargle did
demonycsketch was the mistake
PG55Incineroar is scarier than a Smeargle
ColosoalSmeargle was the mistake
AllymanDark void was a mistake
ColosoalDark void Gen 6 smeargle
demonyci would say flutter mane
ColosoalThat’s what’s more terrifying
ColosoalGen 6 smeargle pg
PG55whats mopre terrifying: Flutter Mane or Incineroar?
ColosoalI wonder what Easter/idk what else jext would look like
PG55Borovian Jext
PG55oh, look
ColosoalThat’s more terrifying then smeargle competive in Gen 6 D:
PG55please dont say ghost/fairy
PG55which types?
ProfessorPUni homework
PG55Pr. P youre filling what?
ColosoalBecause of flutter mane
PG55im dead
PG55wait, why am i scared of a ghost
ProfessorPalso filling a patient sheet
ProfessorPim trying to get some PcP action
ColosoalWhatcha doing :)
demonycim seeing ghosts rn
ProfessorPfair enough, but we can use it to catch trade tokens
demonycits actully a way to market the safari zones so you will spend more money on the other ones
ProfessorPTimber ticket safari is
PG55nothing is free
ProfessorPfree gengar if you beat me fair and square
ZaxaroneEhh maybe
ZaxaroneIm in kanto
ZaxaroneWhat region
ProfessorPhey, anyone down for some PvP?
demonycstill here ghost of jext?
ZaxaroneWtf lmao
GraalOtonamiBlock and ignore I guess?
MZenosI took a screenshot and translate it in google translation
Hilltop_Zephyrthis guy did it earlier too
MZenosOh xD
IcymossI dont know ;-; I can only read Necronomicon
MZenosOk, I translate it, it's borovia guide
Hilltop_ZephyrThe borovia guide in spanish
psychonauticTY ZAXARONE <3
MZenosWhat is this??
Icymossnot again
ZaxaroneSlash rival then rivals name
fabi0nDespués de eso, ve a la biblioteca que está al otro lado y súbete a la parte superior de las estanterías. Salta sobre ellas (botón C o X en el móvil) y,   Luego sal del Salón y ve a la siguiente puerta a la izquierda, donde tendrás que preparar una mesa para un fantasma usando el Mantel . Después de hacerlo, lucha contra el fantasma y al derrotarlo te darán el plato principal, un objeto llamado Campana de Plata .  Vuelve al salón y usa la campana de plata para alimentar al Ursaring junto a la chimenea. Te dará el código de la caja fuerte , lo que te permitirá abrirla. Una vez que la abras, obtendrás el Necronomicón .  Vuelve a la biblioteca y trepa por la cuerda que trajiste y coloca el Necronomicón en el pedestal del medio. Tendrás que luchar contra dos esqueletos. Después de derrotarlos, obtendrás la llave del esqueleto .  Una vez que obtengas la llave maestra , vuelve a subir las escaleras y recorre todo el pasillo. Entra en el dormitorio principal y te encontrarás con dos guardias. Habla con ellos y te informarán de que tu arma inicial debe desbloquear su verdadero potencial antes de que puedas tener una audiencia con el conde. Ve al montaplatos , que es la cosa de metal que hay en la pared de la izquierda. Te caerás y acabarás en las cuevas abisales.
psychonauticlol ik but it seems to be frozen/broken
ProfessorPwith your keyboard
psychonautichow tf do i type my rivals name
Icymosslooks great
demonyclooking good
Zaxaronegoldenrod at night
demonyconly more active on discord sometimes
demonycyeah ive rarely been in game too
Zaxaroneive been pretty inactive too
demonycmaybe, its to many regions i probably forgot im sorry