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BladeVapshould Celadon Forest's trainers be buggy and not fight me
mapleaudinogreat typing
mapleaudinohas a mega
mapleaudinopick fire
calhutchersonFeels like any good Poison type would annhilate that
mapleaudinoare you playing rica ?
calhutchersonHmm is Grass/Fairy a good type combo?
Fargothwell tbf i Love fire so thats what I picked :P
calhutchersonAny plans for your future team members?
mapleaudinofor rica ?
calhutchersonOh that's cool audiono
calhutchersonAny suggestions?
calhutchersonOh the pain of picking a starter
mapleaudinoi started with easter island so im hunting for a shiny impetal because its super cool
calhutchersonHard to pick one
mapleaudinoim making a team that has 1 fakemon from any region
calhutchersonThey all look super cool
calhutchersonOh found the page
calhutchersonwhat do the starters for rica look like?
Fargothmore the merrier ^..^
calhutchersoncould be fun
calhutchersonI should try bringing my Pokemon friends here to make a region of our own
calhutchersonSorry typo
calhutchersonI like the character desires a lot here
calhutchersonLina is cute
mapleaudinoi like it
mapleaudinoi never played a game with fakemon
calhutchersonI'll start with Rica then
Ihazkirbrobut then i learn that they're AWESOME
Ihazkirbroi was like that too at on point before i played this, so i can relate
calhutchersonAnd I prefer to use the main ones over them
calhutchersonIt's just that their not my favorite
calhutchersonIt's not that I can't stand them
Ihazkirbrobut idk you started playing if you cant stand fakemon lmao
Ihazkirbrothen retro kanto is where you wanna go
calhutchersonBut I love variants
calhutchersonTend to avoid using them in teams I make
calhutchersonAh not a big fan of Fakemon typically
Ihazkirbrobut the fakemon are where its at with this game you cant avoid them
Ihazkirbrosome yeah
calhutchersonDoes Rica have any returning mons?
Ihazkirbroretro kanto is just a 1 to 1 recreation of red and blue
Shengian_SpidopsFor the ✨s a k e o f i t✨
calhutchersonI've played all mainline Pokemon games
Shengian_SpidopsBut do rica
Shengian_SpidopsBasically normal mons + a few custom ones
Ihazkirbroplay rica if you want something new
calhutchersonWhat does retro Kanto have going for it?
Shengian_SpidopsI cant find the global pc in retro kanto :(
Shengian_SpidopsRetro kanto
calhutchersonsince I'm new to this
calhutchersonwhat region should i start out with first?
calhutchersonbeen a while since I made a fakemon
calhutchersonkinda want to get my creative bone going again lol
calhutchersoncan i make evolutions for it given this game takes pokemon submissions?
MaryAmarysit is a single stage
calhutchersonfeels like it can evolve
calhutchersoncan mobipup evolve?
Shengian_SpidopsThe ghost is crucial, after getting the ghost you must find the 1% shiny mega gengar in one of the regions
MaryAmarysbeat the 200 Regis and you get the Ghost from og Red/Blue/Yellow
Shengian_SpidopsTheres 10 regis you must beat  :trolls:
MaryAmarysignore that message
MaryAmarysi mistyped
calhutchersonor does this game have regis of all types
MaryAmarysSafari zone, sewers, battles, battle factory/tower
calhutchersonwait I need to beat one of the five regis?
MaryAmarysHub has a lot of bidoof to do
whatamidoing12hub starter
MaryAmarysnot till you beat a regi
calhutchersonwhat's the point of having it then
calhutchersonwait so i can't take mobipup with me?
MaryAmarysyou can't bring pokemon from a beaten region, to a region you just started
Shengian_SpidopsAm me right?
MaryAmarysbut only when you beat the region
Shengian_Spidopsright mary??