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Jext ★, DravynLeCrux, DrakenSilver, Bittamin, atlasrune, blackem, Ropro_12, trombonewizzerd, Hilltop_Zephyr, Prometheus09, Harlequin4sloth, Eurielo, envychimera, Count_Fapula, OwOboros, pikapop-soda, MaryAmarys, joryboii, PrimeHorineth, RedUmbreon5, Jadzki, Fedions, ReaperXLone, Mushroomhead, Ihazkirbro, SRaDa, Zaheir, MonsieurElma, Ushidoshi, Pokerus97531, Turnipstonks, Nozkareno
ColosoalWho knew porygon could really drive you insane
LightDiablook maple
LightDiabloare u his alt?
mapleaudinohow would you shiny hunt legendaries
LightDiablodidn't Zax have burnout?
Primalbest of luck
ColosoalAlso sup lights, I’m back from burn out removery
ColosoalRegion reset, not sof reset
MaryAmarystrying to catch this stunfisk
LightDiablohey colosaol
MaryAmarysi'll check in a moment
ColosoalYou can
calhutchersonso i can't soft reset?
LightDiablois it good?
MaryAmarysi can give you one
LightDiablofor my team
LightDiabloimma get larvitar
ColosoalI’m back from burn out recovery :)
Primalyou on cv mary?
SleepymodeTinion is on the route 3
calhutchersonlike how do i soft reset
calhutchersonalso how do i save
calhutchersonwhere is tinion?
MaryAmaryssquirtle and cyndaquil
SleepymodeCatch Tinion
MaryAmarysthere's two pokemon that been avoiding my catch lol
calhutchersonfor the team
LightDiablowhy is so many people in here?
calhutchersonany pokemon i should catch in rica?
LightDiabloimma get more pokemon too
mapleaudinomusic was off ?
LightDiabloain't no way
LightDiabloforgot to close game
LightDiabloI was on all night
MaryAmarysbest believe
MaryAmarysi been on that grind Diablo
LightDiablohey mary
LightDiablohey maple
MaryAmarysbidoof and Dedenne
LightDiabloand Mary is more level than me
MaryAmarysmaybe two
MaryAmarysok , so there's one pokemon in centennial that i think can learn it
LightDiabloleft my laptop on all day cleffa
LightDiablowooper I'm back
capoznichendeavor could also work
MaryAmaryssuper fang is a good suggestion
MaryAmarysall good
Lady_Vengeance:( sorry for building you up...
MaryAmarysnot in centennial valley at least
capoznichas far as global box regions
MaryAmarysyeah no
capoznichive only seen it in retro kanto
Lady_Vengeancesuper fang can be learned by other mons, just rat is most common
MaryAmarystime to check centennial valley
Lady_Vengeance:D im not sure if there is one in your region, but i would assume its in most regions lol
MaryAmarysi have not seen a rattata ever
MaryAmarysneed to find me a rat
Lady_Vengeanceyou can kind of get away with using super fang if you have access to a raticate its effectivley the best replacment early on :)
MaryAmarysgood question
calhutchersonhow quickly do they implement moves?
MaryAmarysi just wish i had it
MaryAmarysidk if it is or is not implemented
calhutchersonthat's a must have move
calhutchersonok false swipe is so much more important than leech seed
MaryAmaryswhat i wouldn't give for false swipe in centennial valley
calhutchersonno leech seed is kinda dissapointing given how much of a utility is for grass types normally
calhutchersonhow does it take for moves to get implemented?
mapleaudinoyou can leave anytime
mapleaudinoin rica at the beginning port theres someone with one
BladeVaplook for a wing symbol over npcs
calhutchersonoh how do i change which region i'm in
YTSamuraihow to get surf in harsholme
mapleaudinoyou shouldnt have any dialogue either
calhutchersonright clicking only tells me to assign to a hot key
mapleaudinoits not only in battle
mapleaudinoright clicking has like use, give to, etc
calhutchersonit did bring up a description
mapleaudinoclicking a bag item normally brings up a description
calhutchersondo they only work in battle?
Lady_Vengeanceive just got the xp all item from kanto does it stack with the exp share from the settings ?
SleepymodeTo the game screen