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xsweatersxi just know it has the hiden ability
xsweatersxidek what it is actually hhaha
Exeroh its the one i didnt pick but ha
TheNewKingBretmy bad lol
xsweatersxthats a trashgang secret
Exerwait what is the 150 reward?
xsweatersxooh okay
xsweatersxsince the 150 is also one with hidden ability
tetrisliciousmine wasnt
tetrisliciousoh niiice
xsweatersxah, i think thats normal yeah
Exerhidden abillity
Eliminationisthidden ability
Exeris that normal?
Exermy balanoral from the trash quest was a HA
tetrisliciousnow i have both stages
xsweatersxah ok ok
xsweatersxalso at 30 trash you couldve just grabbed a shiny balanoral from the quest hheehee
tetrisliciouseasy XD we need to make it more
xsweatersxhalfway there
tetrislicioushey also 75 trash now lets goo
tetrisliciousi know its nothing compared to what gold will take
tetrisliciousfirst shiny ive found on harsholme
TheNewKingBretokie dokie have two of them is way
TheNewKingBretshiny hunting chalker let goo
tetrislicioushmmmm maybe if i do find another not a big seaguzzle fan but we will see
TheNewKingBreti can give you a shiny seaguzzle for it
GolemBearNice, everything fixed up
TheNewKingBretcan get a shiny one if you get another one?
tetrisliciousand im insane
tetrisliciouscause i like balanoral
TheNewKingBretyou looking a golden one?
tetrisliciousnot gold yet but still XD
TheNewKingBretlet go it about time
Sirnef...can...can you not just move the widget?
tetrisliciousguys i just found a shiny balanoral
SirnefOh, mobile?
GolemBearI am in a battle
GolemBearI cannot quit it
GolemBearThe inventory screen
tetrisliciouswhat glitch?
SirnefWhat glitch?
GolemBearNo, im angry with the glitch
SirnefNot you bear lmao
Sirnefkills you kills you kills you
GolemBearThe same dammit glitch
MaskedToastrats make me crazy
SirnefIt does nothing, it's just there for fun
MaskedToastand rats
MaskedToastchesse gives rats
TheNewKingBretwhat does chesse do?
tetrisliciousbald guy needs to have the move reflect
MaskedToastgardevoir level humanoid
tetrisliciousid pick the bald guy
angstyxbet he'd have a good shiny
SirnefMan, I love the new starters, Dave, John, and Bob
tetrisliciousis he bald?
TheNewKingBreti gotten use to it over the years but depends how humanoid
Sincubusliterally just a guy
tetrisliciousdepends how human
MaskedToastbtw what's y'all oppininon on a set of starters whose final evos are all humanoid 😈
tetrisliciousyeah kinda tragic
TheNewKingBretall that for stinky
tetrisliciousapparently XD
TheNewKingBretthey come in double battle?
tetrisliciousi got mine in a double battle
TheNewKingBret2% encounter lol got two of them
TheNewKingBretsecond leilyne :3
tetrisliciousimagine trying for gold gobblin
MaskedToasthonestly i wouldnt be surprised if it wasnt shiny locked
TheNewKingBreti think so but dont know
tetrisliciousit is possible?
MaskedToastNOOO and yes i think
TheNewKingBreti hope not