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YuichiI AM help
lostrickyxu need help brother man
YuichiNun much
lostrickyxwhats wrong with u bro
YuichiJus remember that
YuichiIt's ok to have herps
MarsGreedok thanks
ghoridk if it list the entire pokedex for ev but picking up your region you can see and search for the pkmn you want to fight
Gally2BallyTrainers are pretty dumb
lostrickyxhow hard is this game
Yuichinvm it respawned
ghorin data section of pokengine page
MarsGreedHello. Where is the information about which Pokemon to kill for the desired ev
Yuichi sooo what do I do if I one hit the pidgey I'm suppose to catch for the double battle..
Gally2Ballyso cruel if i see a flabebe for the first time and it aint white imma rage so hard
lostrickyxthey got all types
Gally2Ballyis white flabebe the only one here or are the others also here
Lokyubsit does
Gally2Ballydoes white flower flabebe even exist in this safari zone, been here for years xD
Yuichiit's happened to me on both pc and mobile
Yuichiand it works
Yuichijust refresh
Yuichiit is normally like that the first time
lostrickyxi understand that but im saying i cant move my character
Yuichiand c is yo jump
Yuichix is to run
Yuichito tap and say yes
Yuichiz is basically what you have
lostrickyxjust k
lostrickyxim trying but i cant
Yuichiif ur on pc
Yuichiarrow keys
lostrickyxhow do i move
ghoridk sry
Depankertalking to following mon gives items. does it have timer or walk count??
ghoraven at low leve (10+ if i remember well)
Depankerok. seems i need to get full pick up team first. tho trace does not work :3
ghori found many ev-stone
xsweatersxdamn this battle stadium charizard spamming smokescreen 4 times in a row. toxic ass biiiiiiih
ghordepanker i think only with pickup-zigzagoon
ghorok ty, i guess im a little unlucky
Depankercan i get early dawn stone on hoenn?
ghorcan a wild meowth have pickup in kanto?
xsweatersxbut no ac haha
xsweatersxi have a fan
TheNewKingBretbro that crazy no ac?
xsweatersxit is nearing 90 F (30 C) in my room. i want to tear off my skin
TheNewKingBretgolden one*
TheNewKingBreti guess will keep going to I get a shiny one
SirnefYou can leave Borovia once you enter the mansion, or reset the region in the shop (it's free), or wait for a mod to tp you out
TheNewKingBretanother shiny chlker O.o
BaskOfSoftKittyAfter you enter the mansion
RodsyOh great ty !
xsweatersxfor borovia, talk to the taxi guy where you started
Eliminationistthen you can speak to the counter there and choose a region
EliminationistGo to top of hub map and you should find the airport
GolemBearHow i get out of Borovia?
ComicallyBadGmr_at the top of the hub
ComicallyBadGmr_Go to the airport
RodsyOr elsewhere but i didn't manage to find access to a new region
Eliminationistin the hub?
RodsyI've finished the tutorial and i'm kinda lost tbh. What should i do next ?
TheNewKingBreti might want*
TheNewKingBreti might a golden chalker
QAQflashzzzzzz zz
SirnefHave a good one mate
SirnefI got 1k druddigon encounters, and no shinies, it begins
tetrisliciousoff to work on secrets
TheNewKingBretbye nice talk to you
tetrisliciousill catch ya guys later
tetrisliciouswell with 630 encounters and 75 trash i think thats a good stopping point for now
SirnefNot the one from your key items
SirnefYou need to use the pc inside the starting inn
Exerhuh, mine won't work and I beat lund
TheNewKingBretmy first shiny of the day :)
Eliminationistyeah fter you finish story
Exerquestion does harsholme global pc work
tetrisliciouseveryones finding them
Exerim trying to find an ancestral shiny rn
tetrisliciousoh true yeah didnt think about that maybe its just shiny hour
xsweatersxthey come in hoard battles so its a liiiittle faster
xsweatersxi want a shiny chalker too
tetrisliciousu found it
TheNewKingBretneed to catch it
TheNewKingBretshiny chlker let goo
tetrisliciousif you wanna know get fishing