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Zaxaroneto make a reigon
Sircit_Boardme: *waiting for day to come. " i want night to go away i need to evolve"
BarextaI'm in Cerulean, I have a spare nido m if you'd like lunessa
wheresandshrewSo need Tileset make Pokemon Zaxarone?
Cerioni cant move from cerulean
Lunessa@Barexta I could help you with that, if you're able to go to Route 22 by Viridian I'm hunting for Nido M so I'm free to do so. Depends if someone is closer to you though.
Cerioni can trade
Cerionwhere are you Barexta
Zaxaronethe stuff the  world is made of in theg ame
wheresandshrewOh! What is Tileset? Sorry. Confused.
Barextahey yall, anyone in kanto willing to help me with a trade evo? got a kadabra ready to swap back and forth
Zaxaronea better one than alrady exists that is
wheresandshrewWhat Tileset?
Cerion2 crits in a row on my zubat and we still living
Zaxaroneneed a better gcs tileset
Zaxaroneim saving my points to add a tileset lol
&0verL0rdshiny charm isn't worth it
tyler0o0bro i have a lv 40 budew get on my level
wheresandshrewI'm never get.
wheresandshrewSo many points, need 10,000!
samwichconlimonshiny charm only lowers odds to 1/750 or so
wheresandshrewI'm love Impie Flip! Fun!
samwichconlimonyou can buy a temporary shiny charm on website. points come from logging on and the minigames
wheresandshrewImpie Flip! Login day!
DaltonisDaily log in and web games
LunessaGames on the site or daily logins
Dovewhiskerhow do you get the points?
wheresandshrewShiny Chance!
wheresandshrewCan buy! On Website!
DaltonisYeah Pokemon made of pure gold
Dovewhiskerbesides the shiny charm
Dovewhiskerwhat can boost the odds?
Icymoss1/1000 or 1/10000 for gold
samwichconlimon1/1000 roughly
Daltonis1/1000 for shiny 1/10000 for gold
wheresandshrewI'm have shiny Starfin! Very pink!
Dovewhiskerwhat are the shiny odds in this?
DaltonisI don't wanna be the yang to your guys' yin
Zaxaroneanyone ant my shiny owlminous? jk hes mine
&0verL0rdones get lucky the others gotta carry the unlucky part
samwichconlimonPlease, I only started getting lucky today
Icymossyea i got the bulbite
DaltonisY'all be getting so lucky with these shinies I can't
DaltonisDon't talk to me about shiny hunting please ToT
samwichconlimonmy current list of harsholme pokemon to shiny hunt is chalker, harstalker, leilyne, and boongus. any other reccomendations? currently only as far as the brink
&0verL0rdyou got it?
Icymossfixed ty
DaltonisBy reset you mean region reset?
Icymosshe didnt give it to me
&0verL0rdlemme get you to the airport and try again
DaltonisWell you get your first mon from Lund no?
Icymossno I reset and it just spawned me on the docks lol
&0verL0rdyou just started?
IcymossWait Im in Harsholme without a pokemon
NyraKyteyou see it in the sand?
DaltonisNothing some Harsholme mints can't fix
tyler0o0i have a modest azumarill with huge power
LunessaIf this were a world with Mega's that wouldn't be a terrible nature of Pidgey. Gets some good Special Moves.
PrimalI'm getting disconnected very frequently
Kriltecranknow, can you give it me back pls?
Cerionmodest sandshrew and pidgey
Cerionim nuzlocking kanto
Kriltecrankmeleto, is for evolving
Cerionim getting very unlucky with these natures
Cerionmodest sandshrew
wheresandshrewSandshrew cool!
Cerionthere a sandshrew
Cerionroute 4 please stop the dupes
Rivyanok, thanks
Kriltecrankroberto can you help me to evolve a phantump?
Lunessa@NyraKyte Thanks for the offer but I've been at this for long that I'm just going to push through
Sake-KunThe treasure map is on an island adjacent to the main island. Wiki it if you're still confused, can't really stick around unless I want to fall asleep next to a computer.
LunessaI didn't but I've been at this for so long at this point I'm running off sunk cost fallacy lol.
Rivyanbut how do I interact with the map sake-kun?
NyraKyteWould you like one Lunessa? I could get you one pretty quick
NixcelpixRest well Sake-Kun!
Sake-KunAlright, Imma head out to sleep, clock's 3AM local.
Tozinoyou know you can get it in safari zone?
Lunessayep. I seem to have some real random luck. Found a Shiny Nido F but still can't find a single Nido M lol
Cerionits harder to find in blue than red
LunessaBlue so I've heard it's a 5%
Ceriondid you pick red or blue?
Sake-KunYou need to interact with the map, then go fetch the three keys needed to unlock the chest.
LunessaTrying to find Nidoran M on route 22 in Retro Kanto. It's a real struggle.