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TheNewKingBretever number is part of pi at some point lol
LunessaCan I get a piece of that pi
Bubby7474Shiny hunting the yellow Dustar, and instead found a Shiny Rotpot
jetigigBret, please don't do that
Exerafter i give the guy who lost his pokeball in harsholme where do i go next
TheNewKingBretburh 1200 mew later still nonething
Sircit_Boardit froze after unlocking snow area.
✏RoughKnightOrnamelt is so neat
Sircit_Boardmy main will definetly going to be Ornamelt.
samwichconlimonwhat is up with the strange shrine in harsholme undergrowth?
Sincubusah I see
✏RoughKnightZigzal, post in #glitches-bugs in discord including you mons, who you faced, your held items, and I can look into it
Killergunfuryenter mansion and go back
Sincubuslike immediately or when day changes
Zigzali just used ember and am now softlocked??? maybe???
TheNewKingBreti guess my luck just suck then :(
Sincubusasking for a friend, does mightiro respawn if you don't get him?
TheNewKingBret1/1000 you would think one of them be shiny lol
Killergunfuryyo sandshrew how do i complete summer island
Sircit_Boardwow i had a plan and ornamelt beats a legendary bird using poison.... welp screw the plan lol.
jetigigMew is not shiny locked
TheNewKingBretat 1152 no shiny mew is it shiny lock?
tyler0o0at this point i hate sunny so much for just stopping my progres
TheNewKingBretis mew shiny lock?
✏RoughKnighton keyboard: "Z" by default interacts with things like NPCs
✏RoughKnightNeed a haircut NPC
Nacho13how do i interact with npc?
jetigigI agree that Friendship evos take a frustratingly long time
Sircit_Boardok im bidding Ornamelt is better than roselia.
Zigzalme and my lvl 6 charmander about to start a world conquest ig
jetigigmake sure you interact with it periodically, too
Barextatoo strong for this world
Zigzalwhy am i clipping thorugh walls
tyler0o0i have been i dont know why it hasnt evoled at this point
wheresandshrewNacho13, can close Right Click!
jetigigYou've been walking the whole time to hatch eggs. Should have been walking your Budew, too
tyler0o0im here for pokemon not walking simulator
jetigigJust take it out of the ball and run around a bunch
tyler0o0can't use pc
Sircit_Boarduse only you budew.
wheresandshrewCan the Pokemon Summer Island! Fun!
Sircit_Boardthen interact with your budew.
Sircit_Boardbest for increasing friendship is the water area.
Nacho13how do i close the inventory thing
Killergunfurywhat do i even do on summer island?
tyler0o0and i have a lv 43 budew that should tell you my level of anger right now
tyler0o0i wakened the thing and you aren't allowed to leave till you fix it
wheresandshrewHaha! Sometime not like me.
Killergunfurydoes your sandshrew not like you?
Sircit_Boardif you're trapped on the garden or training just challenge the breeder above the healer  by leaving and refighting  for exp.
Killergunfuryhello sandshrew
wheresandshrewHello Killergunfury!
Killergunfuryi found sandshrew
tyler0o0trapped in easter island
✏RoughKnightgotta love da boongus
samwichconlimonno. busy looking for boongus
Cerioni have one
Killergunfuryeveryone go find sandshrew
Killergunfurysandshrew is in summer island
LunessaWhere Sandshrew
jetigigNo there's only one S. It's Where's Andshrew
Killergunfurywheres sandshrew