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rebari can but i can’t put mons in the trade option
BladeVapcould someone touch trade me nekrocat? It got missed on my dex somehow
NixcelpixYou can't change the window on mobile?
DrexTructiondepends on the status tho
DrexTructionprobably like 2 or 3%
@Fuzzya button appears in pc screen to open the trade widget, in mobile
samwichconlimonthe chance of a catch with an ultraball on moltres with status
Basiiilel radio de captura dijo
@Fuzzyyou can trade on mobile
DrexTructionwhat were you trying to calculate?
Basiiilin a market probably
samwichconlimoncan't trade on mobile to my knowledge
NixcelpixOffer trade anything and change the window in the PC option
rebari’ve only played on laptop
rebaridk how to trade stuff lol
samwichconlimonscratch that, math too messy
rebari’m on mobile
NixcelpixWhat happen?
odd_tempowhere can i get a dusk stone to evolve my clustar?
samwichconlimonwill do the math
DrexTructionI caught Mewtwo on my second pokeball, so at least my moltres luck got paid back in cerulean cave
DrexTructionbut I might be missremembering it
DrexTructionI believe it's gen 6
godzilla9999my rng luck on moltres was terrible i used it all up on articuno and zapdos
samwichconlimonanyone know what generation's catch rate equation pokengine uses?
DrexTructionare we talking about kanto moltres?
DrexTructionhow did you even use 90
Primaleven if no status effects were applied 90 is a crazy amount
Primalany status effects?
DrexTructionI only catch pokemon with pokeballs, so at least my case is understandable
godzilla9999i did it was 1 hp
Primalyou didnt lower its hp or what?
DrexTructioncaught it with 1 PP left
DrexTructionmoltres was also a pain in the ass for me
Primal90 !?
godzilla9999after 90 ultra balls i caught moltres which was my last bird to catch
★Coonaei only had that for testing to make sure the shinies worked in retro
★Coonaei like putting out a new mon for each screen
@Fuzzyshowing off her shiny bounse smh
Icymossyea that
★Coonaei do have fossil mons that you resurrect
Primalv nice
★Coonaewell depends on what you mean by use
Icymosswill your region have fossils to use?
michacal123oigan cuando mi golbat era un zubat le puse mihawk XDD
Basiiilcreo que eso ayudaba más
Basiiilno hay para cortar el pelo??
michacal123solo caminando xdya le hablo
godzilla9999moltres is shaping up to be a pain in the arse
samwichconlimonbeen watching smash ultimate lately, makes me wanna play steve again
DrexTructionestás caminando y hablando con tu golbat?
michacal123A pero no se xd entonces esta poquito
DrexTructionnormalmente se evoluciona a 220 de felicidad
Primalwish I knew that before
★Coonaei mean it could be anything, just have to join it
michacal123muchachos mi golbat necesita 255 de felicidad pa evolucionar y va en 191 :(
Basiiiles que
★Coonae#main-es maybe?
★Coonaei don't remember what they named it
DrexTructionpero no dejan de decir que la historia mola, así que lo intentaré
Icymosswill they get to go into global pc? or nah to keep with themeing?
★Coonaethere is one, they just have to go there
DrexTructionsi rejuv es un 10% de lo que es reborn dudo mucho que me guste
PrimalWhat if we made a channel for the spanish community? Channel made by ourselves obvsiouly
samwichconlimonI am quite excited for korza
DrexTructiones que no tiene nada bueno
DrexTructiony además la crianza en reborn también está fatal hecha
DrexTructionpero al juego le gusta mucho reírse de ti si juegas en modo fácil
Basiiilpero igual me cansó hacer reset en cada batalla importante xddd
★Coonaeyeah i was in another chat and came over to tease the battle screen and did a double take
DrexTructionlo hay si activas las contraseñas
Basiiiluys, no me acuerdo si habia modo facil en reborn
GalactidotThought I chose wrong settings for a second
DrexTructionthis is the global chat
GalactidotOh I thought I was only English player in chat
DrexTructionwhimsicott con bola neblina con prioridad me dan ganas de agarrar a quien se le ocurriese la idea y girarle la cabeza como un buho
DrexTructionpero por ejemplo el campo de tipo hada es un asco
DrexTructionmi campo favorito era el del ajedrez, ese estaba chulo
Primalkorza lookin beautiful
Basiiilo esas pokebolas verdes
DrexTructionreglas muy aleatorias y el líder tiene un equipo específicamente construido para tener toda la ventaja en el campo y que te destruya a tí
Basiiilno debes ir buscando las guias
Basiiiles más entendible en rejuv
DrexTructionson pura basura
★Coonaeanagram of ozark