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samwichconlimonnope, you did it
✏JaneJewelMine is Garagara.
LSSPopeor is it just grinding candies
LSSPopeis there any story in fall festival after devilicious
samwichconlimonsame coonae
odd_tempoi dont know
Icymossyea David
★Coonaei dont even know my favorite mon to be honest :thinking:
odd_tempodo i even have a favorite pokemon?
✏JaneJewelFake fans...
✏JaneJewelDo yall know your favorite mons name in Japanese?
samwichconlimonthey may be dead on the keyboard
jetigigHe's not cooking. He's set the kitchen on fire
odd_tempohe's speaking IKEA furniture
odd_tempolet him cook
odd_tempowait primal
PrimalShizza you uh- Having trouble?
JKShizzawasd   wwszwcwdsasdxfghjkjhgfdswwwwwwwwassda
JKShizza sxcvxzqertyuioplkmnbvcccccccxzwwwwsasdsaswwwsw
DrexTructioni'm kinda sleepy for some reason
Primalnight drex
DrexTructionfor now, I shall go to sleep
DrexTructionharsholme will be my next objective
samwichconlimonharsh is good
PrimalHarsholme is great
samwichconlimonI finally have a day off tommorrow. will be nice
Startled_StarbyHarshlome is fantastic and thats only for 5 minutes of being here. It feels so different, but its amazing.
odd_tempoi mean does it have the capture boost yet?
DrexTructionit's a blue and yellow normal pokeball
odd_tempoidk just do something other than be a normal poke ball
DrexTructionhow would they semi function
NixcelpixYou welcome
odd_tempodo they at least semi function?
TGAnole55Thank you nix
odd_tempooh btw, i know quick balls have the (N) tag on them but
DrexTructionif the wingull has hydration it becomes drizzle
DrexTructionit's hydration
NixcelpixNow going off again
DrexTructionlemme check
DrexTructionI think a wingull with water veil evolves into one with drizzle
NixcelpixEnjoy it TGA!
samwichconlimonwanna sweep with an ursaluna
odd_tempoi need to get a new wingull since this one doesnt have drizzle
samwichconlimonI fully intend to
DrexTructionhoundour being a pre gym 1 pokemon is a very strong motivation
Primalwell hope you play johto once zax is done with the region then
DrexTructionI don't hate myself that much to play through Kanto's horrendous level curve in gen 2
DrexTructionI've never played kanto in gen 2
DrexTructionthere are in HGSS, at least
@Fuzzyyeah but there's no other trainers or anything
DrexTructionin gsc he lives in the seafoam islands
@FuzzyI think he just kinda... didnt' want to let go
@Fuzzyisn't he just living in a cave in gsc?
★Coonaelet him have his volcano gym
★Coonaethey prob felt bad for the old man
odd_tempoim pretty sure blaine just maintained it himself lol
DrexTructionit's also weird how cinnabar island got destroyed by a volcano and they still mantained Blaine's gym and let him build one in a remote island instead of an actual city
@Fuzzyyeah at least you can actually get one in rica lmao
samwichconlimonthey will do that. you can get a new one in rica
odd_temponow it doesnt get its signature item boost
odd_tempogod damn it, my marowak from Kohaku had its bone atomized on the journey over to Rica...
DrexTructionwhich is katakana for pokemon gym
★Coonaeit's literally gym, as in the romanized english word
DrexTructionin japanese it's called "pokemonu jimu"
PrimalI believe nintendo took inspiration from that somehow
PrimalDojo Yaburi was a thing in japan. Dojos would visit other dojos to combat with other people.
★Coonae@ jane
samwichconlimonis weird how each town is only allowed one gym. evidence: the fighting dojo in saffron city
★Coonaewater type tends to be swimmers
✏JaneJewelAre they called Gyms in Japan?
DrexTructionand yeah, Basil is pointing out that most fighting type gyms are actual human gyms too
odd_tempoalso you are taught type advantages
odd_tempoyou learn a tm
Basiiiltenia varias cosas de un gimnasio habitual
IcymossI mean the gym leader is ment to be teaching training for pokemon battles right???
DrexTructionthat sounds like the plot of an episode of how heavy are the dumbbells you lift
Basiiilel gimnasio de tipo lucha en Sinnoh si cumple esos requisitos
odd_temponot enough
★Coonaenot enough
DrexTructionhow many gyms have you seen where you're doing lifts and all of a sudden a very muscular man comes through the door demanding to 1 v 1 the manager
★Coonaethe trainers in the gym do train at the gym :P