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LightDiabloi actually do need one
LightDiabloI'll get the cotylit
LightDiabloye u keep that bunfin
LightDiabloor u can keep it
LightDiablooh ye I need pokeball
LightDiablowhere pokeball
bopsgot any luck yet
DrexTructionI need somebody to take care of my Nephelith while I reset Cloudia
bopsxi hows the hunt for nyarn
LightDiabloI have done cloudia
DrexTructionyou just finished the dex, you said?
DrexTructionhey Kodart
Primala lo mejor podrias pedir ayuda de alguien mas xD
LightDiabloye realized
XiterokCan't access global in trade
DrexTructioncan you trade with 1 mon?
LightDiablohe meant mine
bopsgolden mew?
LightDiabloI need one more mon
LightDiablowait a sec
XiterokOk, take it b... wait a second
XiterokI'm the first player with 2 golden mew!
DrexTructionasí que a caminar
DrexTructiony te da un huevo
DrexTructioncon la señora del principio
Primalcon quien hablaba? xD
Primalaguantame un poco que no tengo ningun mon
LightDiabloye just one
XiterokOnly one? ok
LightDiablooh ye I need mons there
Primaldame 1 minuto
DrexTructionme haces ese favor?
odd_tempoi cant find my Harshalker
LightDiablohere trade this team
odd_tempohow do i figure out where a pokemon is in my PC
DrexTructionvoy a hacer reset de Cloudia para archen, así que quiero que me guardes al legendario y luego me lo devuelvas
LightDiablook I'm ready
Primaldime drex xD perdon
Basiiilah ya
LightDiablowait till it loads
Primaleso es despues del 2ndo gimnasio en rica
Basiiily donde es eso ;C
XiterokLight, after I help you I must go to bed (1.30 am)
LightDiablo Puedes hacerlo en el centro de investigación.
Basiiilpero como??
Basiiilsi entendí eso
Primalpodrias guardarla por ahora, tampoco es que se venda por mucho :v
Primalbasil, LightDIablo dice que puedes usar ese objeto para obtener movimientos
LightDiabloI don't wanna type in spanish
DrexTructionyo puedo esperar
Primal<_> who do I help first
LightDiablotell him u can use it for getting movesets
DrexTructionprimal, me echas una mano?
LightDiabloalso primal
Primales solo para vender
Primalno tiene ningun efecto
Primal:item_065qzxzh: esta?
Basiiilel archick que capturé la tiene equipada
@Fuzzypretty feather
XiterokSell maybe
Primalpluma bella?
Basiiilparaa que sirve la pluma bella?
LightDiablolost in there for a few days....
LightDiabloby the god
LightDiablothe powers granted to certain peopel
@Fuzzythough larrel did give me his partial map of the labyrinth after I was lost in there for a few days
LightDiabloadmin powers,
LightDiablonever said u cheated
@Fuzzyno I never cheat!
LightDiablodid u use admin powers?
LightDiabloor ho-oh Lugia costume
LightDiablodunno why PC is slow
@FuzzyI finished my cloudia dex too, we should get a bird costume like james from the anime
LightDiabloye come to hub
XiterokAlso, do I have to wait in rica for you or must go to hub?
XiterokAh, sorry
LightDiablohe meant he finished dex
XiterokLabyrinth too?
kodarti finished cloudia
LightDiablou get achievemenyt
@Fuzzyin borovia yes, not in the other regions (yet)
XiterokBorovia, yes
XiterokDepends on the region
kodartguys we won something if we finish some region pokedex?