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Jext ★, Quackerp, DravynLeCrux, AlphaTwin032, Jayalone, afkei, N_N ★, SanguineSol, Mellithae, BannanaRaccoon, rawdogga, stani420, Small, Diegnator, Teaowl, SolReborn_04, PG55, Zombiegmng, CodexUntold, atlasrune, Primal, Ryo1shinogi0yari, AddieBallin, rebar, HeathVO, Spocklate, skur ★, summoner9k, Astroscopus, SinXiaolong, Alto_Twitch, chedman, liverty, Nopesicle, capoznich, JaneJewel, Cannor, Forrtres, forsenics, MewHQ, Sky_Berlitz, PiksandT-Tar, deckow88, LeAms, Allison_Octavio, Lanna, HelixJr, Krall, MelodyStarr, Jpelirojo, Dany_Rabbit, Lauti-09, MysticMarauder, Cjblaze11, Symphonise, Bluetacoes, mapleaudino, Colosoal, Wolkenritter, Icymoss, willofjoker11, Gar, Paperboy012305
jgentor hospitality fakemon
jgentwe dont have stuff like rage powder mons?
BladeVapmost doubles abilities still aren't fully functional, i don't think
BladeVapthat's a good question
jgentlike what fakemon break the format
jgentwhats the metagame like for doubles
lemoniteniteI was gonna teach parabolic charge to my bulbite
lemoniteniteDunno I'm using the mobile mode
lemoniteniteI FINALLY remember what I was leaving the brink for but I'm in too deep now
RydenTanHow to use widgets?
lemoniteniteOr my whole team in harsholme, if I have the energy to
mosleshaha yeah
lemoniteniteI should def draw my poketrainersona with agronomune
jgentand then palemoon became the only browser that could run it
jgenti used to be rly active there
moslesor pokenexus
moslesno pokemon planet is still alive apparently but they changed their name to pokemon nexus
RydenTanHow to do widgets?
moslesngl being able to resize widgets and position them as you want is pretty cool
jgenti think pokemon planet got shut down by Niten*o
lemoniteniteI'm going to help in one myself ^-^
lemoniteniteI actually heard this website from a guy talking of harsholme
BladeVapthere's a lot of passion put into each dex and playable region
lemoniteniteYeah I've been having a great time on harsholme
BladeVapand yes, mosles, i enjoy this game a LOT
BladeVapGet a pokemon with Pay Day or a money-gathering move
moslesare you guys enjoying this one so far then?
lemoniteniteBlade go sleepy now
BladeVapI'm tired okay
BladeVap i meant planet
RydenTanThe vally
moslesyeah i couldnt get myself into pokemmo so just trying to find alternatives
lemoniteniteInversely, I've never heard of pokemon planet
jgentany ogs will remember pokemon planet or pokemmo
BladeVapRyden, which region?
BladeVapi'm eepy
RydenTanI can't even buy pokeballs
BladeVapI have never heard of Pokengine
BladeVapyou're never truely broke
jgentfor a second i thought this place is a pokemon planet reskin
lemoniteniteLike gameplay or money
BladeVapwhich region?
lemoniteniteWhat hapen
lemoniteniteWay smaller than I'd expect really
RydenTanI'm screwed
BladeVapbut for total players, it's harder to gauge that because many are inactive
moslesah wooper must've missed it
lemoniteniteThere was like 600 something within this month ?
BladeVapit shows currently online players on the MMO login
lemoniteniteBut that dramatic talk made me feel like she'd be killed off soon lol
mosleshey whats the player count i am curious?
lemoniteniteIs maltwood gonna die
lemoniteniteI forgor what I left the brink for 💀
BladeVapie, shinies are much more common here (but still rare)
BladeVapjust add a zero to the end to get golden odds
BladeVapregular shinies are 1 in a thousand
BladeVapto be fair
lemoniteniteNever had a shiny here myself so no clue here either
lemoniteniteYeah never heard of that huh
BladeVapthose are just guaranteed rares from what can hatch from them
lemoniteniteOh unrelated gold
BladeVapnot like that
lemoniteniteI found a gold egg there before
lemoniteniteIs that on Easter island
BladeVap1/10000 chance for a rarer type of shiny
lemoniteniteGolden ?
BladeVapbecause it had a shiny or golden inside
BladeVapAzria claimed to have an egg that sparkled on the overworld
lemoniteniteWhat eggg
BladeVapI kinda have my doubts lol
BladeVapwas it legit?
BladeVapdid anyone see that egg Azria had?
atlasruneStupid count and stupid stun jab.
EdgystudiosStudios humor
Ihazkirbroyou guys wanna see peak comedy?
lemoniteniteIt was just past the brink
lemoniteniteFinally found the hollows yay
LightDiabloits in beta 1
LightDiablou cant Ryden