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LightDiablowhat was ur starter
Mochacho1010okay in retro Kanto I walk into the grass and I find a triple battle??? EXCUSE ME??
atlasruneI have 54 lost souls alread ylol
LightDiabloto grind exp
LightDiablobut battle the spirits
LightDiablolevel scaling
LightDiablothat's the issue with borovia
atlasruneI feel like my levels are way too low to even do the gauntlet to the count.
Deep_sea_lilyMan i nearly got to the count on the forst try '^'
mapleaudinogoodnight chat :3
mapleaudinoim gonna go to sleep
CometTheIncandescenthalloween time I believe
atlasrune Is there a way to get the angry brambarb?
CometTheIncandescentMake sure to message in the glitches chat on discord
cursedsolokeeps freezing when i choose a starter
cursedsoloanybody know how to get out of sinnoh my screen get freezing when i choose a starter
SleepymodeBye bye
SleepymodeEnough Pokemon for today
atlasruneI would assume the professor dude in front of hte cave entrance.
CometTheIncandescentwho do you talk to after catching all 100 pokemon in centennial valley/
mapleaudinorica is silly
mapleaudinoomg super mario 3d land beach music my beloved
SleepymodeI got a Zubat and a Geodude and both weren't registered
SleepymodeDoes someone else has this glitch where you capture a pokemon but the dex doesn't register it?
Icymossnope lol you need to fight 4 of those dudes then a big one
BladeVapHuh, was it Hoppolat that you get it from?
mapleaudinoguessing that rock ground pokemon is the first boss ?
BladeVapyou could THEORETICALLY smuggle an item in but only through Pickup
BladeVapitems stay locked to the region you got them in
Icymossyou get one after the first main boss
BladeVapbut it's not from a different region, for sure
BladeVapyou can get a bike there
mapleaudinoi wanna use one in easter island
mapleaudinocan you keep a bike from one of the regions
SanguineSoli did not think of that
CometTheIncandescentYeah, and that would be the worst possible outcome
SanguineSolI see I see
BladeVapsupporting the devs is a nice gesture, but money would get the Nintendo Ninjas out on PE
SanguineSoldamn thsts rare these days lol
BladeVapentirely a passion project
SanguineSolalso is there a way to support the devs monetarily? I dont see any mention of being able to provide them with support or anything? Is it entirley a passion project?
DSisCoolim annoyed that its a dupe but it barely took that long compared to the one before
CometTheIncandescentSweet, very nice
DSisCooli just got a second shiny nickit
SleepymodeDon't worry. I got in the game like a week ago
SanguineSolThats fair enough Primal & Sleepymode. Ive not been playing Pokengine that long so just wanted to get an idea of what direction its going in
SleepymodeAbrah Kadabra
Primalsleepy can u cast a spell on me? I'm gonna hit the bed
SleepymodeI think they are focused in finishing the game before adding more complex things
mapleaudinohow are you so fast 😭
Primalthese are neat ideas sanguine, but my guess is devs are working on other stuff
Icymossthe egg count stays on easter island
SanguineSolsrry for wall of txt :D
SanguineSolyeah I get what you mean! I guess i was just looking at it from a replayability perspective. I guess i thought because i could reset the region maybe there were some things that might retain from playthrough to playthrough if you know what i mean? for example i would have thought all the non key items would stick aswell as your mons but maybe im missing something thinking thats how it would be :D It would be cool to have a prestige system for rerunning the regions multiple times, maybe a badge on your profile that evolves or even rewards for certain milestones would be cool!
BladeVapbecause now i have two
BladeVapthat is the only explanation i have
BladeVapsomehow my dex got erased on its entry'
BladeVapI DID Have another pidgey
Primalyou go up to a player, interact and select trade
Primaleg: In kanto you need to beat e4
mapleaudinolike sell on market or offer as trade are blocked for me
Primalglobal pc depends on region
Primalyou can trade whenever
mapleaudinoor trading
mapleaudinowhen do you get global pc
ViralMagnumTyphloif you move your mons to the global pc, youre mons get saved and get inmunity from the region reset
Primalthat way you'll sweep everything
BladeVapGG retro kanto, was frustrating but fulfilling
CometTheIncandescentThis last centennial valley mon is rough to find
Primalwell sanguine you could ask someone to trade you a strong mon when you reset
BladeVapAnother region beaten! =3
Icymossi put thm in party and move from there
SanguineSolahh ok thanks for the fast response. seems kind of harsh to delete all your progress if you have completed the region previously but i guess it is what it is lol. i thought it was going to be kind of like a newgame + type of situation where i could run it back maybe with a different starter or something :(
mapleaudinohow do i move pokemon from box to box
PrimalGot a shiny mienfoo earlier
Primalhey viral
ViralMagnumTyphloif you got the mons in the Regional pc (By default) All those mons VANISH from existence, along with all your items and money
Primalbut everything else is reset
Primalif you got your mons in the global pc they stay there
SanguineSolhey guys i wanted to ask about the region reset option in the shop. if i complete a region do i lose all the pokes and items ive already got from the region i reset? even if i have completed the region and gained access to the global pc ?
Twiekahow ok
SleepymodeThere is a region where you hatch stuff instead of capturing mons
ViralMagnumTyphloeaster island region
TwiekahSorry for all the questions everybody but what is the golden egg stuff all about?