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LightDiablothere is no global PC there
lemoniteniteWhich region
RydenTanHow to unlock global PC?
LightDiablocuz bulbite is sp.atk
LightDiablowhat pokemon?
lemoniteniteIs discharge better than spark
LightDiabloye ik man
LightDiablogo to the site
lemoniteniteIs there a way to check on the description of moves
lemoniteniteBuffin is the one I used most in my team so I'm tryna make sure it fights well
lemoniteniteI'll see later but for now it stays
LightDiablohave a think about it
LightDiablobut u can use bulk up for staying longer in battle
lemoniteniteSword dance stays then
LightDiabloye I'm saying if it is really fast, u can use sword dance and use it as a sweeper
lemoniteniteIt has 87 speed
LightDiabloor u can use sword dance if ur fast
lemoniteniteAlright then but I'm deep underground rn, I'll try to teach it when I resurface
LightDiabloits for the bulk
LightDiabloand yes rather than sword dance
LightDiabloand for support against psychic types, give it throat chop
lemoniteniteRather than swords dance ?
LightDiablogive it bulk up
LightDiablosky uppercut is stab
lemoniteniteRight it never misses
lemoniteniteKay cool imma give it aerial ace too
LightDiabloye use sky uppercut
lemoniteniteLike replacing the move
LightDiablowhat pokemon are u using?
lemoniteniteShould I trade low kick for sky uppercut
LightDiabloI'm letting people know rn
LightDiablono its a community-held event
lemoniteniteYeah is it like the original game or is there added things
LightDiablooh to let people know about the gym challenge thing
LightDiabloin retro kanto
lemoniteniteWhy do u keep sending the forum threads link
lemoniteniteWhat's the new things in the retro games
LightDiabloshe has flying symbol above her head
LightDiabloand interact with lady near pc
LightDiablogo to pokecentre
TequilaCowboyHow do i leave Retro Kanto??
lemoniteniteNvm swipe right
lemoniteniteSwipe left
SM3W1how do I get out of the chat on mobile
livertyto evolve
livertywhich pokemon uses crescent water (N)
lemoniteniteIt's kinda funny my starter here is the lowest level one for once
lemoniteniteUghh gotta grind lads
mosles1 duel got me 2 levels crazy
lemoniteniteThey maybe boosted the exp gain a bit
mosleswow you level kinda fast in this game huh
lemoniteniteIt won't be catched either
lemoniteniteThe ancient bird thing down in the depths kicked my whole teams ass
jgentwhat happened lemon
lemoniteniteWell I am screwed
jgentyeah go to sleep blade
jgentthats why i kinda love it already
BladeVapi should sleep
BladeVapbut alas it is 1AM
jgentyeah no this game gives me lots of nostalgia for pokemon planet.
BladeVapi don't know any other way to describe it
BladeVapit's still kinda broken, yet charming
BladeVapand yet
jgentit uses protect SUPER randomly
moslesnevermind found it
BladeVaplike using Recover on an Alakazam at full heath
jgenti noticed the ai in the first rica gym is WILD
lemoniteniteGod I hate the smog
mosleshow do i open the game widget again? cant find it after closing
BladeVapthe AI just does whatever it wants
BladeVapyeah, and VS the NPCs, it's usually a crapshoot, but it can still be challenging
jgentah. so megame is still kinda just singles based (out damage the foe) type stuff
BladeVapfor example, Roost DOES heal the user, but DOES NOT remove Flying type yet
moslesi accidentally closed the main game widget lol
BladeVapeither it doesn't work at all, or it only partially works
BladeVapanything with an (N) next to its name, ability or move, is not fully functional
BladeVapRage powder doesn't work yet