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WakoDoodleits like that llama from centaurworld, is so cute
darkeryetdarkerit also has a nuclear form :mon_00k1z1z3:
WakoDoodlethat corsola is amazing
darkeryetdarkeri love corsoreef tbh
MxDemeanorYou guys ever suddenly get a restless feeling in your hand
darkeryetdarkerbut is cuter then this :3 :mon_00ugx73x:
WakoDoodledark I think glockster is cooler :D
Ace93098where is the skeleton key
WakoDoodleAnd crawgun
WakoDoodlegunster huh
darkeryetdarkerhere is his baby :e :mon_00nnokub:
Ytloh wow
MxDemeanorIts a krilvolver
darkeryetdarkerits kriivolver :3
darkeryetdarkertbh i love uranium with its glock
Ytland wat is that?
darkeryetdarkerman i was looking for kricketot bc of the bide thing then found this :mon_00zp6jm0:
MxDemeanorI wanted the backwards compatibilty for emotional reasons
WakoDoodleits weird how the current nintendo cartridges are pretty much the ds ones again and again...
WakoDoodlesame with the 3ds if you cut the little bump at the end
WakoDoodleit doesn't work, but you can :D
darkeryetdarkerimagine next console is 4ds with 3 screens
WakoDoodledid you know you can fit a ds game in the switch?
Ytli mean the ds has 2 screens...
WakoDoodleNintendo Flip :p
MxDemeanorI was so upset when I brought a switch lite and it didn't have backwards compatibilty with DS games
WakoDoodleNintendo Click?
WakoDoodleThe Toggle
WakoDoodleyou heard of the 64, the cube, the wii and the wiiu, now the switch. So behold....
darkeryetdarkerknowing nintendo...
WakoDoodleI just hope the rumors about the next console having backwards compatibility are true. Something good at least
darkeryetdarkerswitch 2 is already stupid
darkeryetdarkertbh can't wait for switch 2 to have the most stupid name
WakoDoodlegranted gamecube cannot play n64 games, but it did support gba games so..
MxDemeanorOkay yeah, I thought so
darkeryetdarkero wait bide is 1 priority
WakoDoodleworst part is, the switch is the ONLY console that isn't backwards compatible (excluding digital games)
MxDemeanorThen. How is a level 13 Tumburr outspeeding my level 77 max speed IV Yanpaow
Ytlyea they running out of ideas
WakoDoodleI love nintendo, grew up with it at the worst time in my life; but todays nintendo is nothing like them and if they are, they are worse now.
darkeryetdarkeri think bide actually is priority
Ash_man_childwhat are you doin
Ytlnope bide is trash
MxDemeanoris. is bide a priority move?
darkeryetdarkeralso nintendo would sue this then post a ad about legend ZA or something
WakoDoodlewhy can't we just get good controllers and such these days?
Ytlfor 9 gens pinsir is still garbage
WakoDoodlenot only that, it turns out playstation controllers are now getting it
Ytlremember pinsir? without its mega it is still goomy
darkeryetdarkeryea their lazy af
MxDemeanorDidn't nintendo get sued for joycon drift
WakoDoodleremember, joycon drift? Apparently it's STILL not fixed.
MxDemeanorNintendo is eeeevvvviiiilll
Ytla $1 donnation would cost them 500k in lawsuit
darkeryetdarkeri still don't forgive nintendo for uranium thing btw
WakoDoodleits upsetting that supporting people and things you like punishes them
darkeryetdarkerbc nintendo is a rayquazaing worst rayquaza to ever exist
darkeryetdarkertbh if they get donation i expect nintendo will get pissed or something
Ytli think if they do take donations then nintendo will most likely sue them
WakoDoodleproblem is, if they do pokemon will start looking; even if its voluntary
MxDemeanorYou can't pay real money for PPP so who knows
LeAmsDo they take donation
darkeryetdarkeryea i do that lmao
WakoDoodlewith a little icon each club/guild has which when in chat a member will have next to their name
Ytlbut the problem is no one is paying the poor devs
MxDemeanorSkill issue just memorise everyone's usernames and check if they're online using the online list
Ytlthat would be sweet
Ytlso i dont have to scroll through the online list to find my friend
WakoDoodleand a guild/club system
Ytli would appreciate it if there was a friends list feature here
MxDemeanorIn the discord
Kutemotoguys how can i report smth... i made the trade in cloudia for emolga with tropius... but i still have tropius and the dialogue says i already made the trade
LeAmsSame ytl
MxDemeanorThis is a passion project not a job
Ytli just joined recently
darkeryetdarkerit was made in 2006
Ytlthe features seem underdeveloped tho
MxDemeanorI thought it was older
LeAmsFr ?
darkeryetdarkertbh i always feel weird knowing this game is around 18 years old.
MxDemeanorPokengine is so old