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MxDemeanorAt the top right corner theres a light switch
Glarintry to get to the top right of the room
MxDemeanorIn borovia?
jweinberg1628what do I do in the dark room with no light
darkeryetdarkertbh im suprised yanpaow isn't dragon fire
MxDemeanorTake the wheel Katy Perry
MxDemeanorBlarg used cromch
WakoDoodletrainers give more exp than wild right?
ViralMagnumTyphloblarg used dragon blarg
LeAmsGot an ha kealpie
MxDemeanorI don't think words can express how much I love my flygon named Blarg
WakoDoodleLike an index or something?
WakoDoodleis there a way to list all the emotes this chat can show?
WakoDoodlehuh that emoji is in discord, I guess this chat has its own list
MxDemeanorwooper off misty
MxDemeanorAnd that Pokemon Index
WakoDoodle:face_holding_back_tears: It's beautiful!
MxDemeanorman I love Pokemon Balls I don't know what I'd do without them
LynxALot11While Embear and Colobud evolve in Cursed Woods and Gloomy Tangle
LynxALot11Femurk only evolves in Cursed woods
LynxALot11Unlike Embear and Colobud, who also evolve when leveling up in Cursed Woods
WakoDoodleoh there is!
MxDemeanorThere is a search bar on the site dex
WakoDoodlesuggestion for site pokedex, a search bar :D
ViralMagnumTyphlolevel up in there
ViralMagnumTyphlocursed woods
Ninjazizhow do I evolve femurk
MxDemeanorI'm not in the safari
WakoDoodleI'm glad they did that, but it would be nice to have the choice of buying them :D
MxDemeanorAnd holy mudkip why do I have 30 safari balls
MxDemeanorI have 6 heavy balls, a net ball, a friend ball
MxDemeanorYou can get them rarely in the safari zone
WakoDoodleWell I like the look of them for catching mons in
WakoDoodleeh im after the more unique ones sorry :D
MxDemeanorBut what do you need the others for?
MxDemeanorNope, just the basic ones
WakoDoodlebesides the 3 basic ones in there?
MxDemeanorAnd the lady sometimes sells really good balls
MxDemeanorOn the way there, theres a pokemart where you can buy pokeballs
MxDemeanorY'know the dock?
MxDemeanorIts not that
WakoDoodlechecked the stores, unless its the lady I gotta pay to refresh her stock I can't see any
XxKingGengarxXIs there a place to buy evo stones? I started in Rica
WakoDoodleI'm generally on about the jhoto ver
darkeryetdarkertheir is a whole pokemarket my guy
MxDemeanorIt does
WakoDoodleI wish hub let you buy more pokeballs
MxDemeanorI want my Varedze
MxDemeanorwooper it
MxDemeanorReloading the one eevee
MxDemeanorIs that a good idea
MxDemeanorUnless I reset
MxDemeanorI'd have to beat allllll 9 trainers every single time
LeAmsWhats battle bastion
darkeryetdarkeryour choice... but its a canon event so you have to
WakoDoodlesilver eevee? yeah
MxDemeanorvia battle bastion
MxDemeanorshiny hunt eevee
ViralMagnumTyphlowell i can trasnfer this thing to other regions and rica it's full of insects
WakoDoodleokay need more levels
darkeryetdarkerchar is good... outside of kanto lmao
MxDemeanorNo problem!
ViralMagnumTyphlothank you x3
ViralMagnumTyphlocharmander is op
ViralMagnumTyphloi'm okay with anyone you wanna gift!
MxDemeanorBut I can go through and get you a bulbasaur or a squirtle if ya want
MxDemeanorI have a charmander rn
ViralMagnumTyphlosure demeanor, i give you a berb for it (?)
MxDemeanorI don't care I just want an excuse to go through the Battle Bastion again
WakoDoodleis there a way to delete conversations on the site? I got someone asking me to give up the shiny I love
MxDemeanoraight swag which one
ViralMagnumTyphloi would like it, what you want for it?
MxDemeanoruhhh does anyone want a kanto starter in the HUB?
darkeryetdarkertbh when icestria comes out I WILL HUNT EVERYTHING THERE
MxDemeanorI want to have my darling Varedze from Insurgence here with me
MxDemeanorI guess I could shiny hunt Eevee... In the Battle Bastion... crying
WakoDoodlebtw where is effort isle? the place dawn is at? Or...
LeAms3h fir gulluton :smile:
WakoDoodleI hunted shiny staryu for... *looks at watch* 5 minutes o3o
darkeryetdarkerig your not a shiny hunter
MxDemeanorBut Effort Island is the best place to shiny hunt