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LynxALot11you can find it in the wild
LynxALot11its not a gift mon tho
LynxALot11you mean gift?
ColosoalThis would apply to other mons
Robotsheepwhere can I get gold eggs
LynxALot11a gif mon?
ColosoalAnd is skiddo did migrate from one to another
ColosoalAnd also in ricas dex despite being a gif mon
LynxALot11Counterpoint what does that prove??
ColosoalThis Mon is only in paldea and kalos in the official games
LynxALot11also from a meta standpoint a map wouldn't work cuz nobody is thinking of what other regions are close when adding mons
ColosoalAnd I’m beginning to think some stuff is in the wrong place
LynxALot11also Trainers change when the time does
ColosoalI’ve tried making a map before
LynxALot11we don't have a map so
LynxALot11The mons couldve come from anywhere
ColosoalI don’t wanna spend another 10 minutes fighting
ColosoalNgl Ima just let this argument slide
Axelluuthanks for nothing I guess, I'll go ask the discord
LynxALot11cuz that's not how it works in pokemon
LynxALot11.... We just said that the mons could be from any regions
whatamidoing12maybe they'll be added
ColosoalSo either qamor and Easter are near paldea/kalos and hoenn is near that
LynxALot11ok and
ColosoalAnd qamor is fully custom mons
ColosoalThese guys aren’t even native and most likely tardes
ColosoalI’ve checked up and down the qamor collection and the only NINTEDO mons I’m seeing here are golduck and vespiquen
LynxALot11Qamor isn't even finished yet who knows maybe Bergmite will be added you don't know
LynxALot11Just cuz Qamor doesn't have it in its collection doesn't mean Bergmite wasn't there when this happened
ColosoalThis road is snowy and has ice types
Axelluuhow do you cycle trainers to farm money?
ColosoalQamor has a victory road
ColosoalThe collection
LynxALot11who says Bergmite wasn't there as well
ColosoalAlong with frodent and cryometry
ColosoalBut the iceberg HAD to have started from qamor due to madursa being only found their
AxelluuI want to farm some money so I can try to catch pokemon in safari zone with high IVs for my starters
LynxALot11they are iceberg mons
whatamidoing12or they couldve been on the iceberg to begin with
Axelluusomeone talked about cycling trainers in the hub to farm money, anyone know what that means?
LynxALot11Bergmite could be in other regions tho
ColosoalNorth province area 5 would have been perfect for the bergmite to get on
LynxALot11not necessarily, they use it cuz they have Corviknight
ColosoalBecause let’s be honest their isn’t really any other place to put it that would make sense
ColosoalAnd paldea would be next to kalos
LynxALot11some regions haven't even been discovered yet (made yet)
ColosoalGalar would also have to be near borovia because you get their by corviknight taxi and only that region has corvkight taxi
LynxALot11so it very well could've passed by places that have the mons
ColosoalThe only other place bergmite is at is galar and paldea aside from jalos
MegaspacewafflesI have looked everywhere on the bottom island. Cannot find the chest :(
LynxALot11we don't know where the layout of the regions and Easter Island is
ColosoalBut in what order would it go from region to region to pick up the mins
LynxALot11... the mons thatre on it aren't just in 1 place
whatamidoing12also balloonga can fly
LynxALot11the iceberg
LynxALot11Cuz they got on?
whatamidoing12maybe the icebergs like a giant avalugg
LynxALot11and who says Diglett isn't native to Easter Island from before humans where there
ColosoalBecause if it didn’t how would the mons be on the iceberg aside from the qamor mons
ColosoalIt had to go from harsholme/lonova to kalos to hoenn and to easter
ColosoalMeaning somehow
ColosoalProplem IS qamor has baloonga bergmite and castform
UltimasPrimethe titanic knocked into the island
UltimasPrimethat is easy
ColosoalIt had to start at qamor and end at easter
ColosoalOnly mystery left is WHAT THE #### WAS THE ICEBERGS DRIFTING COURSE
whatamidoing12the protecter handles any digletts
JimpoHow do I go back to hub
LynxALot11clearly there hasn't always been one
LynxALot11but also the Protector is there so people don't get hurt
LynxALot11they burrow they would've found it
ColosoalIk they burrow
ColosoalIf they were realsed OUTSIDE they would not know it existed
ColosoalNordroro Diglett would have to be realsed IN the bustling borough to know where it is
whatamidoing12maybe the diglett know not to mess with it
ColosoalWhich causes a issue
whatamidoing12plus aint there a protecter?
LynxALot11I think the nest is fine