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ItsCarrotwanna do the group photo?
LightDiablowe need a name like immediately
LightDiablooh ye true
MajiNVegetaAll guilde membre are here
ItsCarrothere i thought i couldnt socialise
LightDiabloye it was
ItsCarrotit was that easy?
LightDiabloand I am theoratically grateful
LightDiablou press Z cosmic
ItsCarrotim theoretically happy
MxDemeanorPress Z
MxDemeanoroh nice!
TheC0SMIChow do i interact with someone?
E_wikingI'm very well, made some delicious food
LightDiablou get a theoratical gold star and a theoratical cookie
MxDemeanorBrilliant! You?
E_wikinghow are youu?
ItsCarrotso whats my prize?
ItsCarrotello wiking
MxDemeanorHi wiking!
LightDiablohey wiking
E_wikingHelloooo everyone
LightDiablothe most useless pokemon in game rn
LightDiabloas of rn
LightDiablook I'm back
ItsCarrotfor magikap
LightDiablolemme refresh cuz game lags
ItsCarrotbefore mt moon
ItsCarrotjessie trades it to u
XiterokYou can trade One at mt. Moon
LightDiabloand I swear I had the Raticate in my Dex tf?
ItsCarrotpretty sure
MxDemeanorAnd now I have the image of a streaking pikachu in my head eww
LightDiabloI need the ekans line
XiterokNice region
WobblebubbeeOh im in harsholme
MxDemeanorI got rid of Play Nice for Flash
ItsCarrotu got a mankey?
XiterokI'm in Centennial Valley
LightDiabloye we are in kanto
Wobblebubbeewait everyone is in different regions?
LightDiablomaybe Imma do 63
LightDiablo63 is for champion
XiterokAlso, stay at 69, It's a nice number already
MxDemeanorI'll use ponko because its cuter
XiterokPonko can learns It too
ItsCarrotwhy so high
MxDemeanoroh right its an alakazam now
MxDemeanorYeah I named my Abra toilet paper
MajiNVegetaAnd i am logged twice liké Yesterday
LightDiabloand then league
MxDemeanorPikachu is nicknamed ponko
LightDiabloI'm getting to 70
Wobblebubbeewaait toiletpaper?
LightDiabloand I'm safe
LightDiablowait ill get the Weedle line
ItsCarrotwhat level u getting to diablo?
LightDiabloI have 73
MxDemeanorman i gotta pull Toilet Paper out of the PC?
LightDiablothe pokengine's billgates
XiterokYes, It can
ItsCarroti think abra can
MxDemeanoroh none of my mon can learn flash
MajiNVegetaU know i am a rich guy
ItsCarroti have 76 dexed now
MajiNVegetaYes i did
LightDiablooh ok Carrot
MxDemeanorYeah, they did
MajiNVegetaHey guys
ItsCarroti was completing dex while waiting for u
LightDiablodid u change ur name MajiNx?
MxDemeanorHi again xite
MxDemeanorHi veggie!
MxDemeanoroh I already have flash