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LightDiablonot in game yet sgam
LightDiabloye my Braviary is called Astrix
SGAM2020so does (N) actually mean it isnt in the game yet or?
MajiNVegetaI will eat u ond day carrot
Xiterok... Mastrota It is
XiterokOr Giorgio Mastrota
XiterokLike Eminflex
XiterokBut maybe I should change it
MxDemeanorAight sweet
XiterokBecause "& chill"
LightDiabloits on server
LightDiablowait lemme give what I took
MxDemeanordo your mons have nicknames?
MxDemeanorOkay got an ss, omw to edit it now
LightDiabloI swear Wiking jumped at 2
MxDemeanorOkay okay stop jumping
MxDemeanorwell that didn't work
Lowginspecifically in kanto
Lowginhow do i use my HMs in this ? like cut etc.
MxDemeanorOkay lets all count to three and on three we jump
E_wikingcarrot a step to the left
LightDiablour blocking majin
LightDiablocarrot move one tile to the left
MxDemeanorOkay okay lets all take the ss
LightDiabloI don't want my avatar to be hidden by a name tag smh
E_wikingI thought I take the ss
MxDemeanorOut of my spot wiking smh
LightDiablocarrot come back
LightDiabloyay everyone is here
MxDemeanoralso we should all jump at the same time for it, to show our sprite behind the mon
XiterokJust continue to encounters
Maxsimus1Then why isn't there a star next to it
MxDemeanorI'm coming
ItsCarrotcant find on
ItsCarrotye im here
MxDemeanorI'll give you a stantler
LightDiabloits in safari timber thicket
ItsCarrotwhere do i find stantler breh
Maxsimus1This was my second shiny
LightDiabloI like buzzover becoming a helicopter
MxDemeanorThe shiny is supposed to be orange
Maxsimus1It was purple but now it is showing orange
ItsCarrotthats what...
MxDemeanorOhhh maybe we should spread out a bit
MxDemeanorHm that is weird
ItsCarrotdiablo secretly a boomer?
Maxsimus1It showed the shiny symbol when i was catching it
LightDiablooh I see
LightDiablowhat is an SS?
MxDemeanorOkay swag
LightDiablogot the vibrava
Maxsimus1A spookrab
MxDemeanorIt might just have a subtle shiny, like Gullutton does
E_wikingI can take the ss
MxDemeanorwhat shiny is it?
Maxsimus1Is there a bug with shiny
MxDemeanorWho's taking the ss? Because I was thinking, we turn off player tags and I edit it to have our names in glittery font
LightDiabloand get buzzover to evolve
LightDiabloI'll get flygon meanwhile
LightDiablotell me when he comes
Maxsimus1Is it a bug or what
LightDiabloand we done?
LightDiabloso we need Majinx
Maxsimus1I caugth a shiny but when i checked in the pc it is not showing shiny
XiterokWiking get It back in ball and then out
SGAM2020i mean, charizard exists as well
LightDiablolets u flee easily
MxDemeanorAight aight
SGAM2020the hell did goldeen do toy you?
XiterokElse message on Discord and time + Time zone so we can all be on
MxDemeanorGET goomyED GOLDEEN
MxDemeanorand its a dark type