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ColosoalPlus theirs a guard at the entrance
LynxALot11there's like 100000 golden eggs in that nest
whatamidoing12Its meant to be a challenge
ColosoalThen wouldn’t that cause issues with the golden nest as people explore the bustling borough
ColosoalAnd if people DID realse them into the wild
LynxALot11its a maze
MegaspacewafflesHey so in Summer Island... what's the deal with the Whirlpool
ColosoalNodrorro Diglett is found in the borough yes
UltimasPrimeand I would imagine it would be even easier in a fantasy fan made world
LynxALot11there's tons of ways animals get around
whatamidoing12also peep them ivs tho
whatamidoing12el paso.. my boye
UltimasPrimeI mean alot of the same species exist in multiple different places in real life
ColosoalOh wait adaptation
whatamidoing12aye, lets do it
ColosoalRegional evolution or whatever it was called
whatamidoing12i gotta put smth in my box
LynxALot11How do the same species of animal exist in multiple places
whatamidoing12Lynx, im in totara town, where you?
ColosoalYeah but
whatamidoing12And maybe easter island is by nodrorro
whatamidoing12People brought em
ColosoalHow would these guys make it here and how are they still in their regional forms
ColosoalStuff like nodrorro bonsly and nodrorro diglet
ColosoalAnd now for the regional form overseas thing
LynxALot11Could someone help me with a Trade evo in Rica?
ColosoalNgl this would make more sense
ColosoalIt doesnt
LynxALot11maybe they have a different garden somewhere else
ColosoalThat’s the neat part  dablo
LynxALot11they never said their garden on the island
LightDiablowhen does mobipup evolve? colosoal
LynxALot11They found them in their garden
ColosoalOnly ones left are how did the gardener gift eggs get their
ColosoalI git a couple more proplems on this where mons are from
LynxALot11Could someone help me with a Trade evo in Rica?
LightDiabloalso anyone chose blue version for retro kanto?
UltimasPrimeranting about your thesis
ColosoalI’m genuinely liking these theries
ColosoalAnyway whatamidoing
ColosoalFor finishing the kanto cup
ColosoalYou can get more eevee and the other fossil and starters from the hub battke bastion
LightDiabloso I thought someone was resetting
ColosoalOh the starters
LightDiablonah I need starters
UltimasPrimewould be pretty chaotic if it didn't
ColosoalI think region resets only effect you if you do it
LightDiabloanyone resetting Kanto?
whatamidoing12cohabitation could also be a theory
ColosoalCausing them to go extinct leaving behind a few eggs
ColosoalOr got whited out by the chalker
ColosoalAnd the smeargle are either hiding somewhere
ColosoalSo many were made TAHT they are now the main population of artists alley
ColosoalAND DUE TO how long ago they were drawn
ColosoalBecoming chalker
ColosoalCaused them to merga
ColosoalSO these doodles clipped together in artists alley
whatamidoing12I agree then
whatamidoing12Oh you did say so
whatamidoing12smeargle can also be from there
whatamidoing12Mm counterpoint
ColosoalDrew the chalk doodles all over the borough
ColosoalSmeargle in the long past or when they started forming their chalk art abulitys
ColosoalSo if this were the case
ColosoalSo nexutama line, ovipter, Easter smeargle, hoppolot, gold togepi, and sakorvic are all from eadter
ColosoalIma asume long ago mons only found in Easter are native to Easter
breauxdogand it summons me the chalk eater
ColosoalNgl I’m just gonna talk this answer
whatamidoing12Or theyre made out of it over the progression of time
ColosoalSummons chalker
ColosoalSo your telling me
whatamidoing12Makes sense to me
whatamidoing12chalker are naturally formed in that cave
ColosoalIf I can overthink it so can other people
UltimasPrimeyou are both thinking on this topic way too much and somehow at the same time not enough
ColosoalMaybe you might even be able to figure out the chalker paradox
ColosoalI like your idea
ColosoalAnd it refuses to stop
ColosoalMy love for biological and animal migration compels me
whatamidoing12Not really
ColosoalBut I NEED to know where stuff is from and where it isnt
whatamidoing12and you are
ColosoalIk I’m overthinking this
whatamidoing12I certainly dont!
whatamidoing12Who knows!