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Jext ★, PlushiePop, tetrislicious, Paperboy012305, SickOfChasing, DravynLeCrux, Teaowl, Diegnator, GeneralStryker, Vase, TRM101, Ryo1shinogi0yari, Bem, HelixJr, The_Litest_Wick, Saradema, Myosotis, Icymoss, Herii123, Xiterok, NoodleKing, joonipea, Kaioh, Cykrilx, PrimeHorineth, Pebbleangel, LaWeaRandom, Deep_sea_lily, Allison_Octavio, Melodos, Lowgin, JordieBobo, IamAntandra, MelodyBDaruah, MajiNVegeta, Emilycubed, ChickSantos, DatTepig,, afkei, SinXiaolong, dakkafex, Sky_Berlitz, CKBatch, Nozkareno, Ayrael, Ihazkirbro, pokemaster666, krimsonskyy, Felix13, Nopesicle, YukiPeach, Lepper, RapperGMR08, atlasrune, Rigid, SleebyEepy, Ascelin, Milliardo, Colosoal, Zaxarone, LordRedshocker
MxDemeanorand cackling all the way to the hospital
MxDemeanori'll be shaking my bag full of bottlecaps
MxDemeanoryou'd sweep the floor with me either way
MajiNxxU know that i Can face u in battle with all Ur bottle caps
MxDemeanorjust to annoy you majin I'm gonna all the bottle caps I can
MajiNxxJext make those bottle caps desapear
αJext ★who knows
Skyhopsi think getting more of the important abilities/moves implemented would be better
darkeryetdarkeris this just a straight line or?
MajiNxxI will bé decieved
darkeryetdarkerok jext i have a question
MxDemeanorawwww thanks jext
Trexits only natural
Trexbreeding has always been a mechanic
MajiNxxAll what i did will be nothing
WakoDoodleactually a viewing room to watch others in the trial would be a wonderful reward
MajiNxxI grinded so hard for those good ivs mons
MxDemeanorno because thats so real
αJext ★your pain makes me feel better about myself :)
MajiNxxWill make it 2 ez
αJext ★i love it
MajiNxxUnpopular opinion
darkeryetdarkerhow funny is watching us suffer?
MajiNxxSorry dont liké those adeas
Trexyes please
αJext ★i'm convinced
WakoDoodleskitty and wailord would be a thing ^^
WakoDoodlewell jext, think of it this way...
αJext ★should i work on breeding soon...
MxDemeanorbreeding would make shunting a hell of a lot easier
MajiNxxGrinding for good ivs kan make u find shinies on thé way
Trexi love breeding
Trexbreeding? i think the opposite honestly
WakoDoodleI dunno, I found it fun trying to hatch a shiny perfect beldum on x and y :D
MxDemeanordie again ghosts
MajiNxxThose thing will make u play less
MajiNxxLets talk real
WakoDoodletbh i'm happy with what I got. yes gigantimax and breeding are on my wishlist but I can live without them ^^
Trexat least give me breeding for ivs then
MajiNxxDont but them
MxDemeanoroh dear
MxDemeanorand oh god I am not looking forward to doing the unknown again
WakoDoodleand then found out I had to recatch some :D
WakoDoodleOh I had that deme, did about 2-3 region dexs
Trexi know but why even have them then?
MxDemeanorbecause everything is already in your dex, you don't see the absence of a pokeball to let you know if you've caught it or not
MajiNxxAnd i Hope they will never
MajiNxxThey dont work
Trexthey are already in-game
MxDemeanorCV after you reset is a nightmare
αJext ★right-click to move
LadySonataits not moving when i click it it only resizes (vertically)
MajiNxxI dont liké thé adea
αJext ★CV is for hardcore grinders imo, anything but casual
LadySonatacan i move the widgets??? to the right
MajiNxxBottle caps will make it 2 ez
WakoDoodle"it's not about if you win or lose, it's how you play the game" - spy kids 3
MxDemeanorWho cares if you lose a few mon
Skyhopsthat would have been preferable than people finding out like 12 hours into it
MajiNxxIts been a long Time without u ma fly
WakoDoodleeg. skipping a cutscene to find their fave member of the rpg dead because they didn't save them
Trexis it hard to implement an npc that accepts bottle caps
MxDemeanorBesides, as fun as this is, its just a game
WakoDoodlethat and most ppl will skip it
αJext ★yeah i should fix fly...
MxDemeanorBut most people wouldn't play it
MajiNxxJext any possible way to make fly work on mobile?
WakoDoodletbh a message saying "this region has no global box atm" would work.
ItsCarroti hate rhydons
darkeryetdarkertbh those ghosts are starting to hurt my eyes
αJext ★you can resize the chat
LadySonataof fullscreen
LadySonatahow do i get out
LadySonatanot the thingy
LadySonataF3 opens the browsers search
MajiNxxMaybe u will find something in thé settings