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MxDemeanorI forgot to thank you for that actually
WakoDoodledark is at the exact spot I was
darkeryetdarkeryea i carried his ass throught that lmao
ItsCarrotsomeone come do trials with meh ;-;
MxDemeanorI only got through because Dark is cool
MxDemeanorTrial 5 is simple, but Trial 4... Oh god. Its best if you get a teammate to tackle Trial 4 with
darkeryetdarkerwe are locking in
Nomster4LifeWhat trials?
darkeryetdarkerwell 3 of us 100%
MxDemeanorHow many people have made it to trial 6?
ItsCarrotimma end up as one of the ghosts soon
ItsCarrotthere rhydons on some serious fent
MxDemeanorI knew it
αJext ★they are
MxDemeanorjext are all these ghosts the souls of players who tried this trial
darkeryetdarkernah you mean cakewig wako
Nomster4LifeDo I evolve my shiny bidoof? Or keep it for the memes
WakoDoodleyes now everyone can get a cakewi-I mean turtwig
MxDemeanoroh wait no its not a shortcut smh
MxDemeanorYippee! The battle bastion cups are all working now?
ShootingSceptilesnow I got myself a treecko.
MxDemeanorThe one after the rhydorn trial of doom
darkeryetdarkerthe one with lots of balls
ItsCarrotwait which one is trial 4
MxDemeanoris this a shortcut
MxDemeanorhold on
ItsCarrotyes im aware
MxDemeanorTrial 4 is legit nightmare inducing
MxDemeanoroh carrot
ItsCarrothow do i disable chat notification pop ups
αJext ★forgot about them
darkeryetdarkeri somehow got warped back
αJext ★oh the holes
αJext ★shouldn't be
darkeryetdarkerits a one time checkpoint.
MxDemeanoryou underestimate my stupidity
αJext ★can't miss it
WakoDoodleoh I missed one
αJext ★you hit it
darkeryetdarkerok jext where is the checkpoint?
αJext ★interesting
Skyhopsbut basically in temtem the mons have a fertility value, and every time they make an egg it goes down by 1, and the offspring has the reduced value
MxDemeanorits 2am and i am *going* to finish this trial before I got to sleep
WakoDoodlesure why not? :D
darkeryetdarkerand comeback to us :3
WakoDoodleyes! all mons evolved, time to add to rica dex and done
ItsCarrotwhy do i choose to torture myself like this
WakoDoodleand that one was me at the rhydon
darkeryetdarkeri would kiss you jext bc of that but that is way to freaky so i will say thank you instead
WakoDoodlenow that funny scream is deme
WakoDoodleI recorded this when we did trial 5
αJext ★i added a checkpoint at the top
MxDemeanorjust wait until you do trail 5
MxDemeanoroh carrot
ItsCarrottheres a rhydon beside the checkpoint
MxDemeanorif i die can i be one of these ghosts to piss people off as much as possible
ItsCarrottf is this bruh -T
darkeryetdarkerlmao np mx
WakoDoodlein this economy?
Skyhopsthey do also have items that guarantee certain IVs get passed down in it, but its done well
WakoDoodlea limit to breeding?
Skyhopsin that game
MajiNxxSorry for being a grinder
Skyhopsmons have a max amount of times they can be bred
MxDemeanorman now I have the song *Sex with a Ghost* stuck in my head thanks a lot dark
αJext ★how is it different?
Skyhopscopy temtems breeding system if you dont want breeding to oversaturate the market with tons of max IV mons jext
darkeryetdarkerman i got kissed by a ghost
MajiNxxIt have some good speed maybe 122
WakoDoodleI heard zoruak is pretty fast
MxDemeanorI fill my team with only max speed iv Impawzible
MxDemeanorI need more speed based dark types smh
MajiNxxWork on that
MxDemeanorspeaking of
MxDemeanorI brute force my way through all my battles
MxDemeanormajin I have no setup moves
MajiNxxI admit it
MajiNxxNo Ur good without them