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NyraKyteoh, selecting with A doesnt show an option for "add to party?"
Vespersnowhello everyone
Scravobecause the game has the sunflorid data, but the sunkern we get on hub can't evolve into it because of all that stuff
NyraKyteshould just be a dragging about funny
NyraKytethere is listings of other eevees. but you can see they have different UID.
FunnyRascalHow do i put pokemon on my team in the pc
ColosoalDoes anyone know if starters, eevee, and riolu are at draguntale island somewhere
NyraKyteyeha because tats the only eevee thats obtainable to us
filetman125ahh i love it
Scravoi was talking about something like this earlier
AraimaI'm glad I could help
Araimanp :D
filetman125thank you so much!!
Scravoso the eevee's we get are always nintendo collection, right?
PG55and Chaos type is... interesting
PG55but its spirits
Sake-KunNo, it ain't. Ghost type has malevolent spirits mixed in.
NyraKytei think it was matt who said, specific mons can only evolve based on their UID. so like coonae said. we dont have that eevee access yet.
PG55Ghost type
PG55Spirit type is already a thing
★Coonaeeven though we tried to reduce dupe mons, we still have to have them for specific instances like that eevee
Sake-KunKinda. Spirit & Chaos typings would encompass the concepts of Shinto, Nikitama & Aratama respectively.
PG55im back
★Coonaethat's why it has fanmade evos in it
filetman125gotta go to lost and found
filetman125srry srry
★Coonaethat eevee isn't the official eevee
filetman125um i think it glitched out of my pc
★Coonaeoh wait
Suki_Dreemurrhmmmmmmm i could get bulbasaur charmander and squirtle...but i can also eevee. yeah im picking eevee
Killergunfuryyou mean like Yo-Kai Sake?
★Coonaepart of this was to get rid of duplicated mons across dexes so we didn't have a million pikachu for example
Sake-KunNot exactly. Spirit-type pokemon would be focused strictly on spiritually benevolent entities like *kami* or divine spirits.
★Coonaeone mon is able to be in multiple collections
★Coonaethe way mons are handled by the site/game were overhauled a while ago for the collections
KillergunfuryEeveeon evolution Eeveeveeon
darkeryetdarkerand i want something that isn the stupid sparruff
Suki_Dreemurri still want eeveeon..
NyraKyteyeah, they might just be collection showcases, or mons for specific regions that arnt available atm
Scravobut if you go to the eevee page it shows a bunch of new ones
darkeryetdarkerisn't that just ghost
Sake-KunFunnily enough, the sprites I've been working on include ones for a Steel-type and and one for a whole new typing, Spirit.
dawnishdaysThis brought feelings worse then anything that cave did.
Scravowait, can you get all these eeveelutions?
dawnishdaysI'm never shiny hunting again.
darkeryetdarkero just got a small bouquet from my shiny bird
dawnishdaysI mean once I get this drenchest unless by *some* miracle it's a golden.
Killergunfuryuse a brick to get that
FunnyRascalVaporion 🤑
darkeryetdarkeruse sand stone and turn it in to a druidune
Killergunfuryghost type eevee
Scravosun stone
FunnyRascalWhat stone should i use on evee
MajiNxxOk ty
Scravoyou have to give him one^
Killergunfuryyeah Granityke
MajiNxxWhat tondo in thé secondary qu'est off thé Guy who want to replace firewood
Icymossagreed its really off putting
★Coonaethat's really not okay
★Coonaeplease don't threaten harm on animals or pets, and don't encourage it
Daltonisbbl drizzy
Scravomakes more sense than what i seen
Scravooh, that, sure, yeah...
NyraKytebe back later?
Scravoi just searched what bbl means and now i'm confused
Icymoss;-; no hurting animals (unless its the drechest)
NyraKyteplz dont encourage animal abuse
Igluwhat's that got to do with a bbl
dawnishdaysHurting it won't bring the shiny back.
Killergunfurybro knew what they were doing
Killergunfuryi told you to hurt the cat dawn
dawnishdaysI'll bbl.
dawnishdaysI'm probably never shiny hunting again after this drenchest.
Killergunfuryme and sweaters stared at each other for like a solid 2 minutes
xsweatersxspeaking of mid. it is midnight. and i gotta go eat with my parents tomorrow. goodnight gamers
xsweatersximagine being mid. couldnt be me
darkeryetdarkernot being mid
Scravolike staying on my pc
Killergunfurylike what
Scravoit had so much to live for