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samwichconlimonenter the mansion, leave the mansion, talk to guy
★Coonaeyou need to make it into the mansion, and then you can go back and he'll take you to a diff region again
Scravobut you have to at least enter the manor
Scravothe same that take you there
Scravois the guy with the corvknight at the begining
Gengastikno i wanna get out of here
Gengastikthe npc where you travel to diferents regions
Scravoyou want to get back?
Gengastikthe teleport
Scravothe what?
Gengastikpls help
Gengastikwhere is the teleportin Borovia region?
samwichconlimonhoodwinked 2
★Coonaei'll let him do it once he edits a funny movie into it
lierchuchessend image
★Coonaenice, he got it
★Coonaebirthday party :P
samwichconlimona field trip?
Icymossgnomes on parade
lierchuchesmod being mods
★Coonaeaz trying to figure out how to get his snake of children to line up for the chairs to watch a movie
ColosoalFound teh egg
samwichconlimonremove the space in front
samwichconlimononly one version of it listed on the wiki
Scravoonly one?
samwichconlimonnope, only one scorbunny in pokengine, not obtainable
dawnishdaystechnique backfire.
NyraKyteoh nvm. it doesnt go that far
NyraKytemaybe in centennial?
AlexyPlaysPikayo is scorbunny obtainable
Scravoand they can despawn
Scravosometimes they're hidden behind something, so it can be hard to see
Scravoyou will have to chack on each map
ColosoalIt’s been 30 mins for me and they aren’t anywhere
Scravothey spawn every 30 min randomly
ColosoalDo they de spawn or something
ColosoalEvery time I check the gold egg locations they aren’t there
Sake-KunI'll be off as well. Ciao.
darkeryetdarkerwell anyways im going to sleep cya you all
darkeryetdarkertbh i was kinda suprised how the first turn went
Suki_Dreemurri was kinda on edge but i was still not beaten heuehueghduzehufd
darkeryetdarkermy was just random mons lmao
darkeryetdarkerits good tbh
Suki_Dreemurrwhat do you think of it btw?
Suki_Dreemurrmy team isnt fully trained
Suki_Dreemurrsee you tomorrow zaxa
ZaxaroneYoull probs be gone by rhe time i get home lol. Cya later suki
lierchuchesupss wrong line
lierchucheshheeheeh curse you bayle
dawnishdaysCan't be worse then what I feel right now.
lierchucheswill led you to your dead
lierchuchesohh dawnis your foolish ambitios
Icymoss*undertale music starts playing*
dawnishdaysIf somehow I run into a golden again..
dawnishdaysActually.. two names..
Suki_Dreemurri have a different team, so i dont expect to win since it is new
Sake-KunTo think that convo would get sidetracked from talking about eeveelutions. Huh.
Suki_Dreemurri have ten minutes so uh
darkeryetdarkeractually suki would you like to do a rematch of our fight that happen eh few hours ago?
Icymosskeep it up
dawnishdaysThis'll just be my last hunt for awhile.
dawnishdaysBut I am going with "Despair"
dawnishdaysI'm not going to name this shiny as a loss of ambition.. and I'm not going to let this be my last hunt.
Icymosscoonae is that sprite from a region your working on?
Suki_Dreemurri like this little baby latias looking mon