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ZaxaroneGood to take a break maybe
dawnishdaysBut I feel completely demoralized and defeated.
Araimalet's clear the air.  Here's a video of a ferrit, roach mom, and adult voice actress play mario party:
dawnishdaysIdk, maybe it won't be my last.
PG55its sad that people do those things to animals
darkeryetdarkertbh this kinda qestions why im shiny hunting at all?
★Coonaeprobably took a lot of time
dawnishdaysNo harm will come to the cat.
★Coonaei do understand your frustration
dawnishdaysWhatever the difference.
Icymossthey take so long to hatch
IcymossI had the same feels in X/Y when I shiny hunted a Beldum to 20k eggs
PG55she *acted* that way
Araimait's real sad
PG55she didnt *react* that way
Araimaand some of those animals are...
Araimathe shelter rescues animals from shelters outside the state.  A lot from like, utah
dawnishdaysI will not hurt her, or change how I treat her.
dawnishdaysAnd though I am angry at my cat for reacting that way, considering she hasn't done that crap in half a year..
Araimaand I visit the local animal shelter weekly.  I've seen some animals in horrible conditions
darkeryetdarkerthose ppl can go actually cleffaing kill them selfs
dawnishdaysIdk, I just feel completely demoralized and my ambition to hunt shinies gone after that.
LunessaNot everyone has a good head on their shoulders
PG55people killed for the stupidest reasons
Araimaand I've been around the internet.  I've seen the depraved things folks have done
LunessaPeople have killed over less
darkeryetdarkeri woopering hate humanity
PG55oh, thats not that bad
AraimaDark, have I personally seen?  No.  Have I heard stories?  Absolutely
dawnishdays340 encounters, it was very low odds :/
Icymosspet catto *UwU*
Icymossgood good
darkeryetdarkeraraima don't tell me someone actually killed their pet just bc of a shin-
Icymossyea some people can be unhinged, dont know whos behind the screen
Scravohow long did it take for you to find it?
dawnishdaysBut no harm will come to her.
PG55good for your sanity
dawnishdaysIt was 1/10000 odds, this only is going to make me never want to shiny hunt again.
PG55dont insult a mindless animal for that
Araimacuz people have killed for less
Araimathat's why we react the way we do
PG55and its just a golden shiny
Araimayou'd be surprised Dawn
PG55its just a game
dawnishdaysWho the hell kills a live animal over pixels?
dawnishdaysIt was an exaggeration of my anger.
★Coonaewe can't know that
dawnishdaysI wouldn't actually kill her.
Icymoss;-; let her be free
darkeryetdarkeralso tbh would it rly matter if you caught it those are just few pixels are your cat matters more does it?
★Coonaeyou kept threatening to kill it :/
dawnishdaysI'm going to insult the cat, it's not like I'm going to hurt her or starve her.. granted she is locked in the bathroom with food and water rn as I do my last hunt.
Araimayou should probably step away from Pokengine for a bit, rest yourself
Icymoss(shes better then this morning)
Araimadon't punish them for it
Araimachances are your cat read your excitement
Icymossmy cats ill right now, shes got a tummy ache
PG55if youll add a Chaos type you should also add a Cosmos type
darkeryetdarkerhey now don't call it stupid how did it knowing you has a golden?
dawnishdaysShe hasn't jumped on my desk in half a year.
LunessaCat's definitely can be a pain in the rear
★Coonaei think the only time staff have ever spawned shinies is because of the whole shiny lock debacle
Bradydragonshadeah thats I'm sorry
dawnishdaysSo I'm probably never shiny hunting again thanks to that stupid cat.
Icymossgive her love, cats dont know better man
★Coonaedon't blame the cat for being a cat
Suki_Dreemurr..i watched bolt two days ago dont give me that name
dawnishdaysAnd due to it being "user error" the encounter is lost.
dawnishdaysThanks to my stupid cat Mittens.
dawnishdaysI lost a golden drenchest.
NyraKyteWhats your cats name
Bradydragonshadewait what happened dawn
Sake-KunDark type is usually just associated as the "evil type" in japanese.
PG55its just the lack of order
Icymossno name it
dawnishdaysI'm done after this probably.
PG55Chaos is not exactly a bad thing
dawnishdaysWill never be hunt.
dawnishdaysSorrow doesn't come close to capturing the despair and loss of ambition sadly.
PG55i just think that for those creatures, the dark type is enough
ScravoSorrow is a good one
dawnishdaysOnly way this won't permanently kill my drive is if I either somehow find the golden again (HAH) or I find the regular shiny quickly.
Sake-KunIt represents the chaotic nature of power in the case of the typing, and does actually feature in the theming of moves.
dawnishdaysDebilitation is certainly a name.. doesn't capture what happened.
PG55Chaos is just the lack of order (or Cosmos)
PG55no, it was at Sake
dawnishdaysWas that at me PG?
Sake-KunChaos typing would have the yokai, demons & other adverserial entities.
dawnishdaysThe loss of ambition.
dawnishdays.. for my last shiny I intentionally hunt, I need the final mental state nickname.
FunnyRascalImma go on pc ig-