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IcymossI have an idea for a paradox kanto region I think would be fun
★Coonaethe mons are public anyway
TheNewKingBretreally???? that sounds like amazing idea
★Coonaeit won't be in until the end of korza so :sideeye:
BunnyKairoi mean idk there could be more than one i think
samwichconlimonI hit about 5500 drenchest before shiny, but most were when it was shiny locked
NyraKytespoilers coonae! D:
dawnishdaysUnfortunately this guy has an awful attack iv.
★Coonaeiiiiiiiii..... kind of have a time travel region :P
dawnishdaysLooks like Drenchest wants Attack + Def EVs.
Bradydragonshadeif it helps i have a friend whos cat learned to sit on the power button of her cmoputer when she want attention
BunnyKairodino/time travel region where you use a time machine so its like, two maps on one region, ones like a barren ruins and the other is a lush jungle,, gotta go back and forth between the two to progress like oracle of ages or smthn
Icymossim at 3338 of this chest :D
★Coonaesandwich: demolished
Icymosstheres a dino dex and its dope
samwichconlimonwhy is there no region that is just fossil and ancient pokemon
dawnishdaysFor someone who nearly just lost their ambition to shiny hunt as a whole because of bad luck: Too soon.
Bradydragonshadea dino region would be great
Icymosswhen theres a dino region playable it will happen at random frfr
Bradydragonshadeyea thats why were pushing
samwichconlimonthen I take by piece out of the bit. take your break
dawnishdaysYou guys keep pushing that little dinosaur but shiny hunting that would be insane.
Bradydragonshadesee the anger of the tyrunt will overcome everything else
samwichconlimongolden tyrunt?
dawnishdaysAtm I'm just taking it easy.
NyraKyteEnough L's and i cna get a W. thats how it works right?
dawnishdaysWho knows what my next hunt is truly.
NyraKyteThe L's just show up in my inventory. idk how to rid myself of them.
maikoherrerawhat mirror shot does?
SnowSZNis there nobody in kanto 0-0
★Coonaebc i dont take Ls :sunglasses:
Icymossimagine gold Marimigo....
★Coonaeit's a blt but less l and more c(heese)
TheNewKingBretEnjoy your food coonae!!!!
dawnishdaysThe gold will come when it comes.
Icymoss^^ may you get a gold next time
dawnishdaysJust wish I felt something, so sadly Apathy is the perfect name.
★Coonaehell yeah!
dawnishdaysThere was a silver lining, his IVs are pretty good.
dawnishdaysJust.. the last for awhile.
maikoherreragood morning people
dawnishdaysHence why I said it's not my last hunt.
Icymossyo wait he almost has perfect ivs lol]
Icymosspurple is NOICE
dawnishdaysIt does look nice.
NixcelpixCongrats Dawn!
dawnishdaysStill upset about that golden but who knows.
Icymossits not gold but looks really nice ^^
IcymossOH WAIT did you get normal shiny???
dawnishdaysAnd with that, my last hunt for .. who knows how long is done.
TheNewKingBretI really do love this. I cant wait to see the final project turn out. im hype
TheNewKingBretThank you so much for showing this off
NyraKytelooks like a lil justified legendary baby.
★Coonaeone more :sleep:
TheNewKingBretI Love this so much
Zaxaronei love the retro look
TheNewKingBretthe buildings look great oo
Icymossnp gl next time Dawn
TheNewKingBretI never seen cars that well made for that kinda art.
PunchedFruitty coonae
dawnishdaysThanks again for the master Icy.
dawnishdaysThat's fine, Apathy works.
dawnishdays.. No Hope then.
samwichconlimonlooking forward to it coonae
★Coonaepunchedfruit , go to your site profile and hover over the happiness bar
Icymossreally nice zone!
samwichconlimoncatch all my shiny johto mons in trash balls
TheNewKingBretno worries. I hope your meal is delicious
ZaxaroneTrash and a spring im thinking
PunchedFruitis there a way to check a mon's happiness
BunnyKairohalf of which you have to transfer
★Coonaesorry i went to get food
BunnyKairoand this is in games where they have a dex of usually around 400+ minimum
samwichconlimonif it requires trash to make, it is kinda hard to make
BunnyKairocrit catch doesn't get to 1/100 for ages iirc
ZaxaroneNo trash ball will be for poison types
NyraKyteor am i thinking of something else?
samwichconlimonroughly chances of fishing up a trash anyways
NyraKyteisnt that the crit catch mechanic?