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xsweatersxyeah and the story brings you there as well
BlankUwUyou needed cut for undergrowth, right?
xsweatersxbit of a spirally area in that zone
AzTechlvl 45 aroma
xsweatersxits in the undergrowth. its an item guarded by an aromatick
BlankUwUspeaking of, where is the girls usb?
xsweatersxwell i know you can get trash in rica too but in harsholme it has a quest use
BlankUwUis that generally or just in harsholme
xsweatersxso i think its 1/100 for a trash
xsweatersxand theres 5 potential items
xsweatersx20% chance to get an item instead of a mopn
xsweatersxjust fishing
BlankUwUhow are ya getting trash lol
xsweatersxwoo 15 trash. halfway there
Pokebiohugh I gotta colelect stamps before I can continue
TheLarviI think i like my teams nicknames atm
xsweatersxahh gotcha. i never really got into superhero stuff unfortunate so i dont have much to choose from.
AzTechin the anime?
TheLarvibest female super hero etc
xsweatersxwhat do you mean with female hero
xsweatersxhaha yeah
Nhyxelclose enough
TheLarviWhats the best female hero in your guys opinions
xsweatersxthe count gives the evo item for your starter actually
Nhyxelah ok ops jk
xsweatersxthats all ya gotta do
xsweatersxin the party
xsweatersxyou interact with the lone grave north of the map. with mightiros evo
NhyxelI'm trying to beat the count, I'll let u know if he gives it
TheLarvii dont actually know how to get it
TheLarvifigure out how ot get it lol
AzTechso whats your plan about the sunstone?
xsweatersxah gotch
TheLarviim doing lil hero
xsweatersxah haha okay, skipping ciguapo? or is that who youre doing
TheLarvii dont have the patience for this crap
TheLarviim doing 1 and not more
TheLarvitook way too long
xsweatersxdo you have both friend evos at that level or do you still need to do another after
xsweatersxheyyy not bad
TheLarvi16 left
TheLarviim at 204
xsweatersxletsgoooo nice
xsweatersxthe youngest downstairs is screaming her little lungs out. dear god. kids... very stressful
TheLarvinyx finished his happy grinding and left me to my own XD
xsweatersxim back. did i miss anything cool?
TheLarvi21 to go
AzTechthought it was for leilyne
AzTechoh was it a hint for Gullutton?
BaskOfSoftKittyHead back to Harshome Hallows F2
Iglushe's saying fences are gone in the caves
AzTechanyone know what the old lady in the church of isolation is sayying?
TheLarviGoodbye my fellow runner
Nhyxeloh I'm done! it's been a pleasure xD GL
TheLarviif a round is 9
TheLarvi2 happiness a round
TheLarviso like
TheLarviwhich is actually just 7.2 rounds
TheLarvi1 per item which is 9 rounds... and if steps cound 1 per 255
Nhyxelif u keep going like this it's around 1 point x minute
TheLarviIts been good running with you o7
TheLarvii just refreshed.. im at 182
TheLarviwhat happi you at nyx
Hliatorasare there any good dusk or moon stone evos in borivia?
xsweatersxand i gotta step away from my computer for a bit. happy hunting!
xsweatersxive only seen the annoying weather effects during the story. so far ive only seen rain post story
xsweatersxif anyone is looking for night spawns, ill be daytime in 15 min irl
AzTechreally? he kept it even after finishing the story?
xsweatersxpersonally not a fan but King Tapir really loves them
xsweatersxtheres weather effects that reduce your accuracy
AzTechanyone know why my screen is lighting up in harsholme
xsweatersx14 trash almost halfway
Hliatorasoh ok thanks
Hliatorasis it on the lab?
xsweatersxin the lab. rare encounter
Hliatoraswhere can i find encryptid?
Pokebiooh okay
xsweatersxsorta. gulluton is something like a legendary
Pokebiois there any legendary in harshmole?
xsweatersxso close larvi. nice
xsweatersxsorry, you need 10 for access to count i meant. and then you can use them for a quest later
TheLarvi169 happiness ayyy
xsweatersxyeah you need 10 for quest. those same 10 can be used for another quest, and any extras can be used to buy EXP candies once youve fought the count once
Hliatorasdo soul fragments have any use?
xsweatersxin rica you can exchange some of the crafting items for moves taught to your mons but i think its bugged
ShaLiah ok i see
xsweatersxsome regions use the craft items fro quests, or trades, etc