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Gunni... I have 7 balls left gott damn.
@Fuzzynow catch 3 more oricorio
Araimacuz 1. DA doesn't work
Araimaidk why anyone would pay for one
Volcanronok yeah good cash
AraimaI have a few dark aura ones yes
Volcanrondid you start over 3 days ago?
@Fuzzysell them all in january, rake in the bucks
AraimaI catch a few here and there
Volcanroncould have a good stock of ppp there depending on how long youve been doing that for
AraimaI'm almost up to 100 wicked brambarbs
Araimalike Fire Emblem..
Araimayou underestimate my...well I don't wanna say determination cuz I do get bored quickly but I just do something else for a bit
@Fuzzytoo annoying to hunt them in the brambles lmao
AraimaFumystic incident
Araimabut no such luck since the uh
Araimawish I could find a shiny one >.>
AraimaI'm a fan of the green
Araimalooks so cool -w-
AraimaWicked Wickvine obtained..
@Fuzzymight be getting too late for me
@Fuzzyi was like "oh weird you're using all birds" before i remembered LOL
GunniMy current team consists of Rufflet, Fletchinder, Swellow, Vullaby, Staravia, and Swablu.
AraimaRNG can and will come in an shank you
Araimaso even with the better balls, there's only so much they can do
Araimathe lower the catch rate, the more likely Murphy's Law comes into play
GunniOh the Skarmory was holding a Metal Coat, neat.
WetLavaI'm going to head out for the night, see you all later!
AraimaMew has 45 while Skarm is 25
AraimaSkarm's catch rate is worse than Mew's
GunniBetter balls would help, yea.
Volcanronpoke ball supremacy
Volcanronrayquaza yeah
Araimawouldn't help that much xD
GunniThe worst crime is Cloudia WILL NOT GIVE YOU GREAT OR ULTRAS
AraimaSkarm's catch rate is bidoofe
Gunni18 balls later, caught 1 skarmory
AraimaI keep getting recommended Limes' playthru of Rimworld Anomaly and so I just see a huge thumbnail with the words "ANUS THICKET" since that's where her colony is...damn it youtube
Volcanronim about to dissolve myself into bubbauld
Rejnkabasically just a sidegrade to espeed at that point
@Fuzzylmao yeah
Paperboy012305Yo, Sucker Punch can hit even when the opponent uses a status move, that's so broken!
Paperboy012305It's nice that I can use the battle sim to test moves and abilities that have the (N) mark on them.
@Fuzzyok i take it back, snareball ATE that cc
WetLavaI'm currently remaking some fakemon sprites; wings are pretty challenging to sprite
Serikou3Whats benga doin in decimal town lmao
@Fuzzyi think this guy with all fish might sweep me lol
GunniI'll try at night
BaskOfSoftKittyRookidee might also be a night spawn
GABXDónde andas
@Fuzzyah good
Paperboy012305I got the one from the shop.
@Fuzzydo you want a hidden ability one? i bought the store ones
Paperboy012305I think I got a good Mycerial, but it's Sp. Def IV is bad.
BaskOfSoftKittySecura Cloud
@Fuzzytry a different cloud
GunniWith the occasional Fletchling
GunniI've been trying the old rod and all I get are Pidgey nd Starly
BaskOfSoftKittyat least good, I think
@Fuzzyi feel like i got it pretty early, maybe old rode
GunniDoes anyone know what rod I need for Rookidee in Cloudia?
AraimaI feel like I'm doing a damn prof oak challenge
Araimaonly 6 rare candies so far..
Paperboy012305Plus there's like barely any ground types, but plenty of psychic types.
@Fuzzyand ghost immunity is good in borovia
@Fuzzyadding dirthrown to wall list bc it just slacked off my +2 stab dark pulse like it was nothing
Araimaso I don't like it xD
Paperboy012305I fear my team won't cut it.
Araimait's not my cuppa tea design wise and a pain in the ass to fight
@Fuzzyaw i like corv
Araimabut Corvi is up on that annoyance list
Paperboy012305Annihilape best Ghost type move right now is Shadow Claw.
AraimaI mean I hate the Wattrel line more
AraimaCorviknight is one of my most disliked birds lol
@Fuzzyi keep forgetting its in the dex lol
@Fuzzyand borovia legal
@Fuzzyoh yeah corviknight is also an excellent wall
Araimaeven then it's sp def isn't terrible so it may take a hit
Araimahope you got an alakazam..
@Fuzzyrage fist doesn't work yet anyway
@Fuzzyone trainer definitely uses annihilape lol
Rejnkaworse. Annihilape.
Araimagod, steelix would suck to come across
@Fuzzyyeah i think unfortunist is really good too
Rejnkaworse. Annihilape
Araimaso, Crobats
Paperboy012305Wouldn't Unfortunist be better as it has Spore?