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GunniThe trainer school north of the Sky Port Pokecenter
GunniSo I figured out how to earn money for pokeballs in Cloudia.
Volcanronits a bit of a trek around
Volcanronhes in the Lounge iirc
Hakinna*to do now
Hakinnaso I finally beat the count in Baroia and in the library there was a guy looking for the gobblin book. I was able to go pick it up but now he's gone. anyone know what time
Volcanronsome Fumystic outspeed if good IVs and im losing health at a fast clip
Volcanronok nice
Volcanronif you kill a static TT mon it still comes back right
@Fuzzythats basically all i used my altaria for
GunniSwablu is my Sleeper.
@Fuzzyif you have status for catching, ditch swablu
GunniSwellow and Staravia have been the MVPs.
GunniWhich, tbh, I don't wanna ditch my Swellow because it's been carrying hard.
Fini.execant sleep so shiny hunting ghoulotine
GunniI'd like to run both Rookidee and Vullaby but that means I have to ditch Swellow.
Volcanronpattern is locked to account
GunniTeam is now: Swablu, Fletchinder, Swellow, Staravia, Rufflet, and Rookidee.
PoweredPhilis it possible to obtain by resetting
GunniIt's gonna have to be fine.
@Fuzzytrade with someone who has it
PoweredPhilhow do i get mushmol eye pattern
@Fuzzyneutral nature is fine
GunniMeanwhile: Neutral nature one has Keen Eye, and all the others have Unnerve.
Gunni... The one time I get a Rookidee with ideal nature it has bidoofing UNNERVE when I need it to have Keen Eye. @_@
PoweredPhildoess anyone want to trade store
Rejnkato check out Pickup which apparently works
PoweredPhilgoing to reset
Rejnkanah that's where I got the idea
PoweredPhilim at start
Volcanronmy apologies
PoweredPhildoess anyone want the hw mons trade
Volcanronall the pickup talk the past few days has been Pumpkaboo in TT
RejnkaI already have the most important move maxed out (IT'S SHEER COLD BABYYYYY)
Rejnkatransfer the mons over
Rejnkaand can
Rejnkai was doing it in retro kanto where i. have, global pc
Volcanronyou cant transfer them to other regions
Volcanronthat wont really do anything for you tho
Rejnkai just realized i should probably raise my pickup gang's levels further so they can actually, get my target item (pp up) four times as often
Volcanronhi awake
PoweredPhilim awake
GunniI got a Bold Corvisquire.
Rejnkaprobably hell (by which i mean the postgame)
GunniDoes anyone know where I can get TM for Heatwave in Cloudia?
Volcanronsurely it wont get to 3300 again :clueless:
Volcanronok i have learned nothing and am now going for the shiny genie
GunniThat explains bidoofing everything
GunniYep, Rookidee is night
Volcanronhappens every time
Volcanronno i was still i think
@Fuzzyi think thats what  causes the errors
Araimagod I love this guy's videos
@Fuzzydid you walk while it loaded?
Volcanronhonestly funny opening the outfit bag and getting BLASTED with errors
@Fuzzyim on mobile and dont want my game to log me out if i open a new rav
@Fuzzythe wiki is linked on the homepage
@Fuzzybc i got so annoyed at the oricorio part
Rejnkanight spawn is a wrestler name
GunniWhat wiki?
@Fuzzycheck the wiki , i swear i put detailed spawn charts there
GunniI think it's a night spawn
Rejnkaig a mon that looks cool but requires you to take a full-time job grinding for is actually a decent indicator of being cloudia's target audience
@Fuzzydodrio, talonflame, corviknight, archeops, altaria, and i have no idea
GunniHonchkrow and Braviary BOTH are super rough to grind. The difference is I ain't gotta grind for a damn evo stone to get one.
@Fuzzytrying to remember what else i used
Araimathat's the unovan curse
AraimaTold ya it's a lifelong commitment
@Fuzzyyeah braviary is also super rough to grind
Rejnkayou're not going to get the braviary until post-gauntlet unless you literally just, enjoy hitting birds over and over and having that be your entire life
Volcanronhell no
GunniI will grind Murkrow up to the proper level after the fact.
Volcanronbut the discord and here both smack it hard
GunniBut if I have to choose between a BST 510 bird and a bird that doesn't even get to 505 until post-gauntlet, Imma pick the bird that gets the 510 sooner.
Volcanroni couldnt care less
@Fuzzythe filter is so funny tho
Araimacuz funni
AraimaI keep the filter on
Volcanronok yeah let me actually turn off the filter what the mudkip
GunniI *know* this.
Rejnkawithout doing the gauntlet
Rejnkacan't progress to the end of cloudia