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NixcelpixSo was Killergunfury the Shiny Rainbow haha
Killergunfuryhis name is playdoh Typhlo
ViralMagnumTyphlocongrats x.x
ivanvakei cant see the trainer here
ViralMagnumTyphlokillergunfury has a rainbow grimmer omg
Killergunfuryhi Typhlo
xsweatersxive encountered 982 chalkers. hoping for a shiny soon
ivanvakesorry guys
xsweatersxHarsholme my beloved
ivanvakewtf one spawn close to me after 45 min
xsweatersxmy fave region is still, and likely will be for a l9ong time, Harsholme
GemWolfZi really like the "smaller region but with a lot of quests" setup
ivanvakeokay ty
ViralMagnumTyphloi'll go checkborovia and see if it's only you or if the game it's trulybroken LOL
ivanvakei just need 9 soul fragment to the last part but XD
xsweatersxwell. not all of pokemon luckily. but smaller regions like borovia for sure
ivanvakei think its my game idk why
ViralMagnumTyphlowelcome to pokemon
Pokebiothere's a lot of back and fourth
Pokebiooh okay
ivanvakeat this rate I think it is more likely to find a rainbow shiny than a ghost trainer
GemWolfZ(suspiciously soul fragment shaped stomach) we outta soul fragments
ViralMagnumTyphlosolve a music puzzle once you delivered the piano music sheet from the library
xsweatersxretro maps hurt my eyes in general unfortunately
ivanvakei think is my game but idk
Pokebiowhat I am supposed to do in the piano room in borova
Pixiethis section keeps hurting my eyes what the heck
ViralMagnumTyphloand confirm you if it's only you or if it's truly bugged
ViralMagnumTyphloyou gonna make me go there and check
ivanvakeye but i didnt see no one wtf
ViralMagnumTyphloto the left top corner of the lounge room also another
GemWolfZrng hates you i guess
ViralMagnumTyphlonear the cave passage way shortcut is another one that spawns
ViralMagnumTyphlolibrary is one
ivanvakeidk, i reset twice and still no one
ViralMagnumTyphlopiano room is one spawn spot
ivanvakeon the mansion there are no one
GemWolfZyw ^_^
xsweatersxthanks for the trades Wolf
ViralMagnumTyphlothe're likeat last 10 or maybe more spots where you can find lost souls
ivanvakei was like 30min walking around and no one spawned
ViralMagnumTyphloyour game probably
xsweatersxthey respawn eventually
ivanvakeor is just my game
ViralMagnumTyphloI been gold mining for a week
ivanvakewhy in borovia there are no ghost trainers rn
TheNewKingBreti been shiny hunting for about 10 hours now
ViralMagnumTyphloyou also have a training dojo
ViralMagnumTyphlowell it's literally a gym leader glauntect and you can grind the exp there
DebadeendIve been Shiny hunting for over 5 hours still no sign of a Shiny Pokemon :(
gunchywhats global pc
xsweatersxCV does not have global pc
antoniosafeDo I have to reach some lvl of mons for the tower?
Krownocsdo I at least get the global PC in Numerica?
ViralMagnumTyphloget stronger, then you can challenge the tower
ViralMagnumTyphlofish on the clouds
antoniosafeWhat do I have to do in cloudia after getting the old rod
RezzyTheGamermy character just flew out of bounds for a moment lol
xsweatersxah cool ill put you on my vip list and send you a message to check if you have what i need
xsweatersxah ok ok. np
GemWolfZ(raises hand) i'll do trades, same username as here
ViralMagnumTyphlono, i don't, sorryowo
xsweatersxnumerica is just a gauntlet right now i think
xsweatersxoh no doesnt have to be right now. pokefarm is a different game. do you play it>?
Krownocsis there anything else to do in Numerica after the League except completing the dex??
ViralMagnumTyphloit's suplement day today
ViralMagnumTyphloi can't atm, sorry
ViralMagnumTyphloi'm training my rats xd
xsweatersxany pokefarm enjoyers? i need a buddy to do evo trades and stuff with
NixcelpixBye pg
xsweatersxbyebye [pg
PG55i need to go
Pixieso many holes...