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MajiNVegetaGood pokémons move tutors
mapleaudinoi got super mystery dungeon again
LightDiabloanything good there Maji?
MajiNVegetaU should go
LightDiabloI have not been to mimosa town yet
Jeffrey2.0Icymoss hi
calhutchersonMore fangames should use this engine
LightDiabloI saw it thought it was new
MajiNVegetaAnd there IS nothing AT discord
MajiNVegetaMimosa town IS there for 3months
LightDiablocuz it was not available before
calhutchersonAnd their evos are cool
LightDiabloI think so
calhutchersonShiverel and the crystal pokemon are so cute
MajiNVegetaAre u sure about that light
mapleaudinowhere do you find smeargle in easter island anyway
calhutchersonI mean I got the Pokemon I wanted from the cave
LightDiabloand then go right
LightDiablogo down where ur at
LightDiabloye wrong route Cal
calhutchersonI'm at the mining town
calhutchersonWait how do I get to 2nd Gym in Rica?
LightDiabloI wonder
LightDiablowho is ahead of me?
PrimalI got nothing to offer in borovia
TheogAntiseif you want it
TheogAntisejust come to borovia and offer
Primalwhat would you want for that shiny phantrait
mapleaudino:mon_00rq1h98: im so scared of this mon
TheogAntisedoes anyone wanna trade me for a shiny phantrait
LightDiablook there is mimosa jungle
Liniaguys, can anyone tell me how to close the global chat on pc? it keep send message when i type 'z'
calhutchersonI got all Rica starters on my team
ColosoalGulluton is a sorta threat
LightDiabloit is kitterwaul
mapleaudinohave we figured out a meta fakemon
ColosoalDepends on your team synergy and set up
LightDiablothought it was like that
calhutchersonAre Stoatzen and Crsyallier good?
ColosoalSadly yoru idea didn’t work light
ColosoalIma get back to backtracking
mapleaudinoimpetal needs shadow tag
LightDiablothat old granny gives you
LightDiabloor hatch an egg in rica
LightDiabloor get a pokemon In wild that has it
LightDiablou can use ability patches for 100BP
ColosoalAbilty patch or find it in the wild
mapleaudinoability patch
Primalcan we get much higher?
calhutchersonHow do I get a hidden ability?
mapleaudinoweedle evolving is hype as hell
LightDiabloespecially mega beedrill
Icymossthe COCOON
LightDiablobeedrill is amazing
Shengian_SpidopsIt gets harden and thats it
Shengian_Spidopsnot that hype tbh.
Shengian_SpidopsWeedle evolving :D
mapleaudinono victory theme is crazy
MajiNVegetaIll go see
LightDiablosee if that works
LightDiabloclick and hold the town u wanna fly to
LightDiabloopen maps
LightDiablocan u try this on mobile
LightDiablowait Colosoal
calhutchersonIs Stoatzen a good team member?
LightDiablothey added
LightDiabloyes majin
ColosoalFor mobile
LightDiabloso uh no one cared?
ColosoalLike flu
ColosoalBtw does anybody know WHY it doesn’t work
ColosoalAnyway back to backtracking
LightDiabloand smart strike
LightDiablothunder wave