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MaryAmarysat bastion
MaryAmarysfor you
MaryAmarysadamant too
LightDiablook come to bastion
MaryAmarysthere you go
whatamidoing12i guess colsector is normal
LightDiablocome to bastion
LightDiabloor what is ur fav starter?
LightDiablodo Kanto bastion
LightDiabloclear atleast one gauntlet in bastion
Ihazkirbrostill womdering what the best mon for setting up sinister terrain is
MaryAmarysthere's no one here
LightDiablotalk here
whatamidoing12i have the flying type master done
LightDiabloget the items
MaryAmarysi haven't spoken to anyone
LightDiablou may have interacted with him alr
LightDiablocome follow me
MaryAmarysthere's no old man here
LightDiablodid u yet?
LightDiablotalk to the old man somewhere here
whatamidoing12what region has play rough as a tm
whatamidoing12oh its a tm move
LightDiablofollow me
LightDiablohey I'm here
LightDiabloget that
MaryAmarysplay rough
whatamidoing12play rough?
MaryAmaryswait what mon
LightDiabloor electric
LightDiabloor maybe get a fire move for grass types
MaryAmarysplay rough
LightDiablonah u need protection against fighting types
whatamidoing12it does get rest
LightDiablocheck profile brandon
LightDiablomaybe a healing move whatami
brandonstfuhow do you check your pokemons happiness?
LightDiablomaybe get some fighting type coverage
whatamidoing12bulk up/shadow claw/headlong rush and..
brandonstfumy moonstone didnt work on my jigglypuff :(
LightDiablooh ye that's good
whatamidoing12shadow claw
LightDiablouh what's the plane?
whatamidoing12maybe some coverage
whatamidoing12thats the plan
LightDiablook wait lemme come to bastion
LightDiablogive it bulk up, headlong Rush/earthquake,
MaryAmaryswhere do i go for effort island
LightDiablothat is good
whatamidoing12wish that defense was better but eh
whatamidoing12impish pickup 26/24/7/21/26/23
LightDiablodid u find a good teddiursa?
MaryAmarysbeat Brienna
LightDiabloI'll wait
ICHOOZUCAWait a minute
LightDiablooffer plz
LightDiablopokemon centre
ICHOOZUCAAnd where is that
LightDiabloI'm in pc
ICHOOZUCAWhere are you
LightDiabloI can give u a surf mon if u want
whatamidoing12its got like 6 and 1
ICHOOZUCAWhere you can find suf in hub
whatamidoing12even the defence sucks
LightDiabloor bulk up
LightDiablou can make up with sword dance
LightDiablohow about u get a defensive ursaluna