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WakoDoodlethe army of zombies are coming son
ColosoalWhat’s the storm ;-;
WakoDoodlethe calm before the storm
ColosoalAlso dang it got quite
ColosoalI’m back
Bernonly in pc tho, mobile doesnt have it
MrArrisonthankx bro
Silkeregndo you know where your map is?
Silkeregnyou teach it to a mon and click on your destination on the map
MrArrisonhey does anyone know how to use the move fly?
Bernin cloudia u can probably shunt it there, secura at night iirc
Silkeregnid also like to see a golden corviknight
Silkeregndo leftovers work?
Silkeregnhas anyone found a gold wailord or frigid?
SilkeregnI just want to see what a gold one looks like
Silkeregnit does have a solid color scheme
WakoDoodleit covers silver, gold and platinum
WakoDoodleblue, yellow and white metagross tbh is perfect
Silkeregnyeah thats the thing
Bernprolly wont be added till they finish hoenn, but who knos
Silkeregngold shiny metagross would be kind of interesting
Silkeregnik people have been asking a lot
Silkeregncould use a beldum
Bernyup drageun has nice shunts
Silkeregnits nice it changes up depending on day
SilkeregnYeah, I was going for gible, but I'd love a shiny axew or dieno
Bernmawile is rarer encounter
Bernat 1.5k, but i've been here for days
darkeryetdarkerit only does the reset stuff when i close the game tab
Silkeregnhow many mawile encounters are you at bern
darkeryetdarkerhm ok resetting is really weird today
Silkeregnwhat about you samurai
Silkeregnthanks for the note tho
Silkeregnonly got this bird, but I love her
Silkeregnbeen hunting in the dark patch of grass for almost a week now
darkeryetdarkerreset time
Silkeregnyeah ik
Bernsilk, there's day/night cycle in drageun u might take note of that
darkeryetdarkerwell you know what that means
WakoDoodlegiratina is angry about the cakewig
Paperboy012305Welp, here goes day 4 of shiny hunting in the lab. But I'll keep my patience high.
darkeryetdarkerthe sinnoh portal
darkeryetdarkerand i don't have a mon
darkeryetdarkerthe portal is gone...
Silkeregnim still missing a few dex entries in here
WakoDoodlewell how old are the unknown?
Silkeregngl on that!
darkeryetdarkereh would it really fit for a past version of entei?
Silkeregnwhat are you hunting bern
WakoDoodletbh im surprised the scarlett version of entei didn't have unknowns around it like the movie
Primalit does exist
Primalthis unown doesnt exist
WakoDoodleah its the upgrade I needed XD
Cullensit wont seem to take space bar thought
PrimalKeys in Settings
Cullensis there a way to change the action key to space bar?
Ihazkirbroqm gonna pee your pants
WakoDoodlezz overide confirmed, enganging Py2 containment method routine 12
Ihazkirbroone more z and you're officially cringe py
WakoDoodlebut as you said, some ppl never change...
WakoDoodletbh I think having a fleshy body might :D
Ihazkirbrotheres nothing that would chnge that
Ihazkirbrobecause he'd forever hate sonic
WakoDoodleit makes you wonder... if metal had free will, truly. Would he be like shadow?
SilkeregnI want to see if I can play this on my retroid
WakoDoodleits a pity though that metal still hold itself to the standard it was set while shadow became itself
MajiNVegetaI think u want 2 Say a copy of veheta
SilkeregnIs there a way to bind the keys to a controller?
WakoDoodletbh they both did
Ihazkirbrohe surpassed him as a "copy" tbh
WakoDoodleand then his creators son did the same thing with metal sonic :p
WakoDoodletbh I find it funny how shadow was made to be a copy of sonic
Ihazkirbro(i hate my keyboard so burmying much)
Ihazkirbrobut whn its just too much to take you seak up from behid
MajiNVegetaSonic IS my fan
Ihazkirbroi can fight the feeling o resst it overtie..
Shengian_SpidopsWhos “sonic fan”??
WakoDoodleI don't care what you call yourself, as you turn to me. For what I have in my two hands is enough to set me free
Ihazkirbrosorry im a sonic fan