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Zaxaronelol later pg55
PG55i gotta go
samwichconlimoncyndaquil is my baby boy. you are on the hitlist now
IdkSterlingGyattA flabébé wipping by boy grotle...
wheresandshrewYay! Ground! Sandshrew ground!
Zaxaronecyndaquil my beloved
jd_123_45samwich it was a cyndaquil
samwichconlimonoh, I am gonna kill you for murdering a shiny cyndaquil jd
NixcelpixSure wait
PG55because GROUND
NixcelpixHey Zaxarone o/
Zaxaronewanna battle for funzies
Zaxaronehey nix
PG55Torterra and Swampert are my favorite full starters
samwichconlimonhe killed a shiny starter due to lack of pokeballs
Nixcelpixwas one?
NixcelpixNoooo D:
Nixcelpixyou killed a starter!?
samwichconlimonwhich starter
jd_123_45thanks though may try it next time
NixcelpixWait, I'm lost
samwichconlimonthat really sucks jd
PG55Turtwig is cool
PG55Rowlet looks perfect
jd_123_45I already killed it bro
IdkSterlingGyattmy oboy turtwig is EVOLVING!!!
jd_123_45guys you gotta be kidding me
Zaxaroneat least rowlet dosent look ridiculous
samwichconlimonmod may give you pokeballs
samwichconlimonjd, post screenshot on discord
PG55hey Pix
NixcelpixYeah, I know
jd_123_45you have to be kidding me
PG55Primarina has a cool design, Incineroar sweeps in competitive, Rowlet... well, its rowlet
NixcelpixHey everyone o/
wheresandshrewAbra 34! Many Nixcelpix!
jd_123_45I hate my life, I ran out of pokeballs, the instant a shiny starter
Zaxaronehey nix
NixcelpixHey o/
IdkSterlingGyatthey nixcelpix
NixcelpixNo shiny, haha
IdkSterlingGyattI rn have a brionne
samwichconlimonav primarina is a tank
Zaxaronestupid clown looking thing
samwichconlimonfair, but primarina has highest spa and spd of all starters
PG55i mean, every Alola starter is cool
Nixcelpix34 Abra's wish me luck checking the PC
IdkSterlingGyattPopplio is also cool
PG55primarina Evo line is cool too
Zaxaronepopplio belongs in the trash
IdkSterlingGyattActually I have a Brionne on my team rn
PG55i just love Rowlet more
samwichconlimonnever played gen 7, but that thing is good
PG55primarina is cool
IdkSterlingGyattI also like primarina
PG55Sandshrew USUM is Ultra Sun/Ultra Moon
samwichconlimonprimarina fan here, that thing is a nuke
PG55Rowlet is the best bird GameFreak ever came up with
IdkSterlingGyattDartrix kinda mid, Decidueye the GOAT
wheresandshrewWhat that USUM?
IdkSterlingGyattIts still my favorite
FvfvfgrI personally don't like rowlett very much, I like the other two in the line though
PG55if i had USUM...
IdkSterlingGyattthis was my favorite pokemon when alola released
PG55i would do a whole USUM run only with Rowlet
IdkSterlingGyattrowlet the best bird
PG55Rowlet it peak birdness
FvfvfgrMy togepi barked?
PG55but its just a 1 evo line
IdkSterlingGyattI love rowlet since it came in alola
PG55the coolest grass starter
samwichconlimonwrong, archaludon has 600 bst